Tag Archives: 2014 Banquet Champions on Nov. 15 at the Town and Country Inn in Gorham

Riverside Speedway gets auctioned off on Sat. Nov. 1 and will run Fall Brawl on Sunday, Nov.2

Riverside Speedway in Groveton, NH will be auctioned off on Sat., Nov.1 and will hold the Fall Brawl on Sun., Nov. 2.  (Credit: Riverside Speedway photo).

Riverside Speedway in Groveton, NH will be auctioned off on Sat., Nov.1 and will hold the Fall Brawl on Sun., Nov. 2. (Credit: Riverside Speedway photo).

By Lou Modestino

Riverside Speedway in Groveton, NH made these announcements. The 2014 Banquet of Champions will be held on Saturday, Nov. 15 at the Town and Country Inn in Gorham, NH. The rained out Fall Brawl make-up date is now Sunday, Nov. 2 with a rain date of Nov. 8.  Continue reading