Tag Archives: Eddie Cheever

New Hampshire’s Andy Seuss and Connectucut’s Doug Coby among those honored at NASCAR’s annual tour awards banquet

NASCAR Mexico champion Abraham Calderon opened the NASCAR Touring Awards Banquet with his speech.  (Credit: NASCAR Mexico photo)

NASCAR Mexico champion Abraham Calderon summed it up best at the NASCAR Touring Awards Banquet with his speech. (Credit: NASCAR Mexico photo)

By Lou Modestino

The culmination and coronation of a season-long – and career-defining – road to NASCAR glory came Saturday night for seven drivers. Continue reading

Ander Vilarino’s has NASCAR Whelen Euro Series figured out


Anthony Gandon (Left) and Ander Vilaro (right) are team mates in the Whelen NASCAR Europe Series (Credit: Stephane Azema/Euro Racecar)

Anthony Gandon (Left) and Ander Vilaro (right) are team mates in the Whelen NASCAR Europe Series (Credit: Stephane Azema/Euro Racecar)


By Lou Modestino

Ander Vilariño’s strategy in the first two Tours Speedway events was simple: Stay out of trouble and don’t give away too many points. Continue reading