Changes ahead for 70th season at Beech Ridge

SCARBOROUGH — Beech Ridge Motor Speedway’s 70th season will offer more, more for competitors and fans alike, when engines roar to life for the first time in May.

In 2018, the NASCAR Nite series starts earlier (May 5), ends later (Sept. 8), adds a special weekday race to celebrate America, and amounts to an additional race date over the 2017 schedule

Thursday Thunder extends the season one week, beginning June 14 – Aug. 23, creating an 11-race series for its 22nd season.

Car Wars and Day of Destruction fans and teams enjoy additional dates, too:

The 2018 calendar cycles to five Friday nights in August for Car Wars performances.

The Day of Destruction moves to a standardized every-third-Saturday of the month schedule, hosting five of the popular events from May – Sept.  That schedule gives NASCAR weekly teams in particular a welcomed recovery break in expense budgets every month, and an opportunity to enjoy additional summer activities with family and friends on a Saturday night, while still increasing the overall event count.

Thunder teams will benefit alongside the NASCAR teams, as the speedway will open the pit gates for late-morning open practice sessions prior to the Day of Destruction openings.  For teams who need the fine-tuning and practice time, it’s an affordable alternative to track rentals during the heart of the season.

The full date-by-date schedule will post in the coming weeks after final date coordination is reached with touring and entertainment series.