Groundbreaking for the North East Motorsports Museum is set for Friday, Sept. 25

It's taken a long time to get to the ground breaking for the North East Motorsport Museum.

It’s taken a long time to get to the ground breaking for the North East Motorsport Museum.



Groundbreaking for the North East Motor Sports Museum will be at 2 pm on Friday, September 25, 2015 at the site where the museum will be constructed. It’s just north of the Shell station on Speedway property on Rt 106 in Loudon, NH. Twelve Groundbreakers will participate.  Music will be provided by Scott Spradling’s band. Examples of every major form of New England motorsports will be on display, each of them from long ago. The free event promises to be historic and fast moving. It’s open to the public. A limited number of special souvenir glasses will be available at no cost. You are invited to this inspiring event.


Source: Norh East Motorsports Museum