June 8 and June 22: Drop-in Writers’ Clinic with Betty Siegel at the MPL


Writers, both aspiring and seasoned, a new writing clinic starts in June! The “Drop-in Writing Workshop with Betty Siegel” starts on Wednesday, June 8 and runs through the end of August.  These drop-in sessions will last from 7 – 8:30 p.m. so come by for some great advice about your composition and writing ideas. These workshops will be held in the lower level of the Milton Public Library 476 Canton Avenue in Milton 02186.  It is free to the public and sponsored by the Friends of the Milton Library.

The next June clinic will be on June 22 at 7 p.m.

Ms. Betty Siegel has taught in the College of Liberal Arts and Science at Quincy College and she is a professional tutor, skilled in many subjects including ESL, Oral Communication, Vocabulary, Basic Composition, Critical Thinking and more.  Her stories have been published in several local publications including Yankee Magazine.

Enjoy the benefit of professional writing advice!