Milton Library: March 2 – The Art of Opinion Writing book launch with Suzette Standring


What fuels and creates writing success for longtime op-ed writers like Ellen Goodman and others?  Suzette Martinez Standring reveals the answers at the launch of her new book, The Art of Opinion Writing: Insider Secrets from Top Op-Ed Columnists on Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 2 p.m. in the Keys Community Room, lower level of the Milton Public Library, 476 Canton Avenue in Milton, MA. Readings from the book, book signing, and refreshments and food will follow.  All are welcome and admission is free.

Milton resident Suzette Standring is a syndicated columnist with GateHouse Media and former president of The National Society of Newspaper Columnists. The Art of Opinion Writing features advice from op-ed columnists who are winners of the Pulitzer Prize and many of journalism’s highest awards, and represent both liberal and conservative commentary. The fifteen columnists featured include Ellen Goodman, Derrick Jackson, Connie Schultz, Cal Thomas, Kathleen Parker, Dave Lieber, Mike Masterson, Joanna Weiss, Jeffrey Seglin, Joel Brinkley, Clarence Page, Dave Astor, Mark Hopkins, Lynne Varner and Robert Koehler.

In their own words, they share motivations, what has sustained and contributed to career longevity, as well as techniques and strategies for writing outstanding commentary. Specialties within opinion writing are examined, such as politics, foreign affairs, pop culture, race, gender, education, investigative, and spiritual op-ed perspectives.

“I’m thrilled The Art of Opinion Writing will be used in journalism programs at Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maine, and Penn State,” said Standring who gives writing workshops nationally.

“Standring masterfully delves deep into the thought processes of some of the nation’s best-known op-ed writers. This insightful, inside look at how they frame their writing is a must-read for anyone interested in learning how to craft high-quality opinion and commentary pieces,” said Eric Heyl, 2013 President of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists.

Visit Suzette Standring’s website, (  The Art of Opinion Writing is available on Amazon.