Cocoa, Snow Sculptures and Pie

The chill in the air and prediction for more cold days ahead reminded me that on January 3, 2017 at a meeting of the Norwich, CT City Council Hot Cocoa was proclaimed the official hot drink of Norwich, CT.

The occasion provided a much needed laugh and a reminder that there are alternatives to the warm drinks of coffee, tea, and the occasional hot cider. Norwich, CT has a much neglected history with the processing of the cocoa beans during the time of the American Revolution but we have not done much with it since then.

What I would like to see in restaurants and at fundraisers, is the simple offering of a hot beverage, coffee, tea or cocoa and a choice slice of various cakes and pies. When I am out and making the rounds of the events about town that is really all I want for a snack or lunch. The large meal sized offerings are wonderful and delicious but honestly all I really want is a snack. OK I am hungry while I am writing this and really in the mood for a slice of cherry pie and a cup of cocoa. It is not going to happen but thats what I am in the mood for.

Anyway, I would like to see the restaurants get behind the cocoa movement and use it to their advantage. I am also issuing my first snowperson challenge before the very first snowflake flies. Let us the residents of Norwich, CT populate our yards, public parks and greens with snow statues. Be creative. Make them large and make them small. Be creative and let your imagination be your guide.

Cold weather and snow happen every year about this time. This year lets use the weather to our advantage and make Norwich, CT the place everyone imagines their hometown to be.

We, can be responsible for making Norwich, CT interesting, warm and friendly starting in five, four, three, two, one, NOW!

Thank you for reading and sharing my history and Norwich Community blog freely with your family or friends or anyone you think might be interested or in a position to take on some of the suggested projects. Don’t hesitate to contact me for further information. I am happy to pass along anything I can. Together we can make a difference. Email comments on this blog to View my past columns at