Michael David Brathwaite

It is important to now and again change your focus. Take a stroll maybe by the Yantic River. Hear the lyrics “Down By The Old Mill Stream” by Tell Taylor play in your head as you wander around and behind the Old Stanton Mill at 31 Clinton Avenue. Close your eyes when you sniff the clean, crisp air and be transported to a world of long ago. Or open your eyes and call the phone number by the door to the Art From My Heart Art Studio of Michael David Brathwaite.

After he answers the phone it may take him a moment or four to greet you with a happy smile and lead you up the flights of stairs to the spacious third floor studio filled to the brim with contemporary art.

The art work is all by Michael David Brathwaite, an artist, a painter and a visual interpreter for over 60 years. His hard edged abstract work has been seen in many galleries and museums throughout New York City, New York, and Connecticut through the years. In addition to receiving his B.F.A. at Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art he has studied with a host of internationally known artists such as William T. Williams, Mercedes Matter, Hans Haacke, Sidney Geist and many more.

Cooper Union also put Brathwaite on a career in college admission administration by making him the administrator of the “Saturday Program for Art and Architecture.” The program generously funded by the Helena Rubinstein Foundation, encouraged 200 high school students to assemble an art portfolio for their applications to colleges of art with the cooperation of Cooper students sharing their time and knowledge of drawing, painting, sculpture and architectronic fundamentals.

Brathwaite’s third floor studio has ever changing display areas, where you forget you are in an old mill but are transported to the future filled with fresh and edgy art. Turn around and suddenly you are in a little SOHO style cafe. Proving that you can take Brathwaite out of SOHO but you can’t take the SOHO out of Brathwaite. As Alice fell through the looking glass, so do you have the same feeling when you move to the Art Library and media center of the studio.

Michael likes to read, to learn and to share. Many of the books in his large collection of dedicated art books are autographed and hard to find copies. He has created dedicated computers to particular art sites for research and a few dedicated just to music for as Michael is quick to point out, music is a form of art too. Books are my thing, and you can get lost for hours just looking through the extensive collection and not even studying the works and history represented.

Were you wondering where Brathwaite’s art is created? Its through another door and into yet another world. A world of colors, brushes and massive tables. It’s a massive organized kaleidoscope without your having to hold up the oculars to your eyes. All of it is meticulously organized by the projects he is working or not working on. More colors and shades than you can find in your ordinary paint store I am certain.

Then in the corner, behind a temporary wall is the tinkering and repair workshop. This is where Brathwaite brings electronics to life, where frames are built, where the broken become new, where new thoughts and ideas begin

The studio at 31 Clinton Ave, Norwich, CT is open to visitors by appointment. Please call 1-212-473-1035 to make arrangements or e-mail artist0207@gmail.com or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/michael.brathwaite.96

Thank you for reading and sharing my history and Norwich Community blog freely with your family or friends or anyone you think might be interested or in a position to take on some of the suggested projects. Don't hesitate to contact me for further information. I am happy to pass along anything I can. Together we can make a difference. Email comments on this blog to berylfishbone@yahoo.com View my past columns at http://www.norwichbulletin.com/section/blogs

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