Mobile Trends: What Is The Future Of Mobile Apps

The mobile app market has been expanding over the years. The smartphone has become an integral part of modern existence. Who remembers what life was like in pre-smartphone times? Many people today use the smartphone to do more than connecting with others. They can watch YouTube videos, listen to music, send and receive email, make payments, and more. These are some of the mobile app trends you may expect:

Revenue Will Continue to Grow

Revenue from the mobile app industry will grow to more than $180 billion within the next three years. There is nothing that shows that the market will reach saturation point in the short term. Less than 40 percent of the global population owned smartphones by the end of last year. Industry pundits expect the number of smartphone users to rise to almost 45 percent worldwide by the end of 2017. It is reasonable to assume that revenue may increase substantially.

Single-Purpose Apps Will Be All the Rage

Unbundling of existing enterprise apps into single-purpose apps may continue. The term unbundling refers to a process where an app developer “separates” an existing app into several stand-alone apps. Each of the new apps so created serves a specific need of a company’s customer base. For example, a company may build a new app that its customers use for instant messaging. When Facebook unbundled, it gifted Messenger to the world. Google also did it, and Docs and Sheet materialized.

Teletransportation Will Become a Reality

The potential of the mobile technology is limitless. Innovative companies such as know that mobile apps are capable of more than is currently thought possible.

Teletransportation is one of the latest mobile app trends. It will soon be possible for people to visit far-away places and experience life there. Two people using smartphones will make this possible. A user will connect with another person through a suitable app. They will then request the other party to do certain things for them. A person in the U.S. will explore Tokyo in Japan and even do some shopping. They will do all this using the other person’s body for a fee.

M-Commerce Will Grow in Importance

We have been hearing the word “e-commerce” in a lot of today’s conversations. Thanks to e-commerce, companies like Amazon have grown to monstrous proportions, making their owners very rich. The next big thing that you might see soon is m-commerce. Modern smartphones come with a fingerprint recognition functionality. People should be able to make payments in a way that is fast and secure.

Demand for Enterprise Apps Will Increase

For the last few years, mobile app developers have focused on consumer mobile apps. But things are changing. More and more developers are turning their attention to enterprise mobile apps. Most small-and-medium-sized businesses are fueling this demand. These apps serve the needs of an organization as opposed to those of outsiders. They increase employee productivity and empower field workers. Analytics with relevance to an organization’s goals will become an integral part of enterprise apps.

The Internet of Things Will Usher in a World of Possibilities

The Internet of things is big business. It is a $19 trillion industry. Over five billion people worldwide may be using IoT within the next five years.

One of the most popular applications of IoT is the smart home. People can control tens of devices using their voices. You can expect an “advanced” smart home in the years to come. The modern car comes equipped with Internet access and can send and receive data.

IoT will transform existing cities into smart cities. The technology might be used in future to address traffic congestion, pollution, and crime. There are many more examples where IoT has found considerable use.

It is getting increasingly tricky to talk about the future these days. The future is becoming the present pretty fast. Mobile apps may be one of the most important realities that shape the future of modern society.