The time surrounding graduation can be exhilarating, yet terrifying. Making the move from an educational setting to an occupational one can be intimidating. In order to enter the workforce with confidence and an edge, it is vital to select an appropriate job. This first job can act as a cornerstone for the rest of your career, so select carefully.
Even before graduation, great attention should be focused on researching the field into which the graduate wishes to enter. There are often internships available that provide field experience, resume materiel, and network growth for the individual. By taking on an internship while still in school, it is possible to fully evaluate the full requirements of the job in addition to the general professional market. Although sometimes unpaid, there are a great number of internships available to college students as well as those who have recently graduated. Very frequently, internships can lead directly to actual employment with an organization.
Entry level jobs are a great way to step into the post-graduation professional world. Every industry has several options available to interested graduates who are looking to break into this professional world. Some examples include executive assistant, copywriter, and marketing assistant. These jobs may require long hours without a great deal of compensation, but they often lead to additional job opportunities. By taking one of these entry level jobs, access to other (successful) members of the workforce is found. However, graduates should make an effort to apply for jobs that are not always within their comfort zone. A great interview or strategically utilized connection could ease the way for a higher ranking job. Perhaps the greatest tool to anyone new graduate is the ability to network within the desired field. It’s often said that “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”.
By working at one of the lower levels within an industry, a graduate will also have the benefit of learning about the field or specific company from the bottom up. This will provide valuable insight into the way that the company functions. Most importantly, this will provide the employee with the ability to empathize with the full staff within the ranks of the business. Often employees at the highest levels of industry are without the understanding of what it is that makes the full system work, as they are only exposed to the top few layers of the business.
Making the transition from college to career is not always as simple as it sounds. In an effort to make this process easier, graduates should take the time to research their desired field, take advantage of every opportunity to network, and seek out all available jobs within their target industry. An executive assistant could be exactly the first step needed in a successful professional career.