Monthly Archives: November 2018

How a Product Liability Claim Affects Your Business

Your products are the lifeblood of your business. That’s why it’s so important to make safety a priority when designing and manufacturing your products. Still, things that can happen that can result in customers filing a product liability claim, and that claim can affect your business in a number of ways.

Your Brand’s Reputation is on the Line

When a product liability claim is brought against a company, it means that the product is alleged to have:

  • A design or manufacturing defect
  • The consumer was not warned of the possible risks of the product
  • The defective product caused the plaintiff’s injuries
  • The plaintiff was using the product as intended

None of these things are good for any brand. If the lawsuit becomes public knowledge (and it might), it will almost certainly tarnish your company’s reputation and cause your customer base to lose their confidence in your brand.

Trust is the key most important thing for any brand to have with their customers. Once your customers stop trusting you, you start losing business. You may have work hard to rebuild that trust and confidence, but it’s not an impossible feat – especially if you take steps to make things right and improve your manufacturing process.

Your Insurance May Not Cover All Costs

Every business should have general liability insurance, and many of these policies have product liability coverage. This coverage will pay for legal expenses if you’re sued for defective products.

Not all policies offer this coverage, so it’s important to talk to your agent to see what your policy provides.

If your insurance does provide this coverage, it should cover the cost of:

  • Medical damages owed to injured parties.
  • Hiring lawyers to defend your business.
  • Financial damages awarded to the plaintiff if you should go to trial and lose.
  • A settlement, if the claim is settled out of court.

It’s important to note that there are some things product liability insurance doesn’t cover, including:

  • Lost inventory
  • Slip-and-fall injuries
  • Damage to your products
  • Employee injuries
  • Product recall costs
  • Professional liabilities

If you’re forced to recall a product, you will need to have product recall insurance to cover these costs. Otherwise, you’ll be paying for the recall out of your own pocket.

A Lawsuit Could Put a Financial Strain on Your Business

A product liability lawsuit could put a financial strain on your business. A study from The Hartford insurance company found that the average product liability claim costs a business $35,000.

Again, product liability insurance can cover these claims, but you need to make sure that you have this coverage before someone files a claim.

The Negative Effects are Typically Short-Term

For most businesses, the negative effects of a product liability claim are usually short-term. Your brand’s reputation may be harmed at first, but in the long-run, the business should recover.

Some of the top companies in the world have been affected by product liability lawsuits and have recovered. There may be brief financial consequences, but eventually, your company will recover if you take steps to rebuild trust and make things right.

What Businesses Need to Know About Business Immigrant Visas

Hiring foreign workers as a United States business is not easy or cheap. Small and large business entities are looking at-home and abroad to hire the talent that they need to fill their ranks. Immigrant visas exist that businesses can apply for to make the process easier.

But there are some things that businesses need to know about visas.

H-1B Visas Aren’t the Only Visas for Business

H-1B is the most common type of visas for workers, and it’s these visas that allow companies to temporarily employee foreign workers. This particular visa is meant for special-skilled workers, and this may include:

  • Engineers
  • Scientists
  • Researchers
  • Information technology

Applicants will have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or they must have a skill set that is highly specialized.

But when an H-1B visa isn’t an option, there are other alternatives available. The alternative options that are available to you, including:

  • L-1 Visa. An L-1 visa is a visa that is offered to employees that are employed with a company that has a branch in the United States. These visas come in two main forms:
    • L-1A: Designed for executives of a company or managers
    • L-1B: Designed for workers that have specialized knowledge in a field

What’s nice about the L-1 Visa is that it does not have a cap, unlike the H-1B visa program which has a cap of 65,000 visas annually.

Green cards are an option for certain workers, and this allows the worker to bypass the entirety of the H-1B visa process. Why? Green cards are not limited to an employer or sponsorship, and it may be the best option for the employer.

A lawful citizen or permanent resident may sponsor the individual. Investment-based and asylum-based opportunities do exist with a green card.

Businesses will also have the option to apply for an E-1 or E-2 visa, or a visa that allows for a company to hire:

  • Foreign managers
  • Foreign executives
  • Essential employees

What’s interesting about the E-1 and E-2 visas is that they are dependent on the agreements between the United States and a respective country. Nationals of such countries may be able to secure an “E” visa, and this will depend on if the national:

  • Engages in significant trade with the United States
  • Invests significantly in the United States

A lot of companies will still try to secure an H-1B visa because it is the most common option for a visa. The requirements for this type of visa are very strict, and it’s a visa that is available to businesses of all sizes.

Large companies will secure 30% or more of the available H-1B visas primarily due to the immense amount of resources that they have.

But keep in mind, there is a cap on the number of visas available, and this cap was met in a single day in 2013. The application, fee and interview process for this visa type can take 2 – 6 months, and legal fees are often $3,000 – $6,000 alone. Government fees will cost an additional $3,000 of so, making the H-1B a costly process for small businesses.

Why Exit Strategies are Important for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are creating an entity that is their own. These entities are nurtured, developed, and when the time comes, they will be exited. An exit is often overlooked by entrepreneurs because they don’t think that far ahead in the future.

Owners are too busy trying to make the business grow and earn revenue to think of an exit.

But it’s one of the most important times in a business’ journey.

What is an Exit Strategy?

Exit strategies are when a business achieves its highest goals. This can be:

  • Owners taking a lesser role in the business
  • Passing the business on to heirs
  • Retiring
  • Sale of the business

Many tech companies have started and sold their business with the key goal of exiting, being paid a substantial sum for their entity by a larger corporation.

Exit strategies help businesses plan for the future, and in many cases, they’re able to forge the future of business decisions. A business may decide to take different approaches to their business just because they are planning on an exit.

Taking an aggressive approach may be an option when an entrepreneur is chasing growth with the intent of exiting.

“Strategic acquisitions offer the greatest liquidity in a short time-frame. However, market conditions impact the appeal of various types of exit strategies,” explains the Law Offices of Marc J. Blumenthal, Ltd..

When a business has an exit strategy, it offers numerous benefits.

Exit Strategy Benefits

Exit strategies offer a lot of benefits, and this is one of the key important reasons why businesses develop an exit strategy. A few of the benefits that a strategy offer is:

  • Business interests and value are protected
  • Potential income is generated in the event of a disability or retirement
  • Future worth of the business is enhanced
  • Tax impacts and implications can be reduced or deferred for family members
  • Direction of the business is created in a strategic manner

An exit is important because you will be exiting the business at some point. Even if your exit only comes upon death, you will still be exiting the business.

Planning for the future is going to make your exit easier, allowing your hard work to last after you’ve left.

Business strategies often provide direction for a business, and this direction can be:

  • A blueprint for success, including a timetable and the ability to chart your success.
  • Decision-making strategies that allow for long-term success.
  • Value of the business and how to enhance value in the relative term.

When creating an exit strategy, you’ll also be developing your personal goals. Perhaps you want to exit into an IPO, or bring the company public. You may also want to create a business where you’ve trained your son or daughter to take over when you retire, continuing the family business.

Conditions of an exit should also exist, and these are triggers that say, “hey, it’s time to exit the business as per the plan.”

Realistic valuations, which occur periodically, will also exist and allow you to determine the true value of the business and how it may have increased or dropped over time.

5 Reasons to Launch a Subscription Service for Your Business

5 Reasons to Launch a Subscription Service for Your Business

Subscription business models are nothing new. We’ve seen monthly subscriptions for everything from soap to wine and even meats, but now we’re finding service businesses offering subscriptions.

These businesses have been able to flourish.

Just take a look at Netflix, which changed the movie rental business forever. Subscribe to the streaming service and never have to pay a late fee again.

Subscriptions make a lot of sense in the service world, even if it is a digital service. If you’re on the fence about launching a subscription service, here are a few reasons subscription services make sense.

1. Subscriptions Make It Easy for Customers

Subscriptions make it easier for the customer. When a customer signs up for a subscription, they know that they won’t need to pick up the phone or order a product in the future. The company will take care of all of the work for you, and the product will arrive at the door every month.

It saves time, money and energy when using a subscription model.

2. Recurring Income

Service-based businesses are moving to subscription models because it allows these services to flourish. When business is slow, it makes sense to have a subscription service to rely on. Imagine a heating and cooling company that goes through seasonal ebbs and flows.

When business is slow, recurring income can make up for this lull in income.

Plumbing companies are offering their own “clubs” or services for this very reason. The Healthy Home Club is an example of this. The club takes the process of regular pipe and sewer line care away from the consumer, making it easier while enjoying monthly recurring income.

3. Customer Loyalty Increases

Customer loyalty is hard to gain, but subscriptions can help. There are psychological impacts of meeting customer expectations, and when you’re able to meet these expectations month after month, it increases loyalty.

The key is to: consistently meet and exceed expectations.

You have the customer subscribed already, so now it’s on you to gather feedback, improve your service and create a loyal customer in the process.

4. Acquistion Costs Can Increase

Acquistion costs should always be at the forefront of a marketing team. If a service sells for $20 and the acquisition is $12, this leaves very little room for overhead. You may be making sales, but these are costly sales.

With a subscription model, the costs are absorbed quickly.

  • $12 initial acquisition
  • $8 for the first month
  • $20 for the remaining months

You may even spend $15 to acquire a customer, but when they pay month after month, it is a cost that is well worth the expense.

5. Opportunity to Improve Service

Monthly or quarterly services allow you to work on your service, improving it over time based on the feedback of loyal customers. It’s an opportunity to improve your customer service. Build strong relationships, ask for monthly feedback and see your service grow as a result.

If you make it a point to build relationships with your customers, you’ll find that they can help you improve your product or service in ways that you never thought of before.

6 Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), health is much more than the absence of illness. It is the state of physical, mental, dental and social well-being of a person. As such, numerous factors play a role in staying healthy. Therefore, it is essential to adapt to a healthy lifestyle in order to keep diseases at bay.

Observing healthy behaviors goes a long way in improving your overall health and lowering the risk of getting sick. Here are six health and wellness tips to keep you healthy at all times.

1. Exercise regularly 

Even if you have little time for leisure, it is important to dedicate a small portion of your daily routine to jog around your neighborhood or do a couple of exercise routines in the comfort of your home. Regular exercise improves your cardiorespiratory and mental health, aids in losing weight and can improve your overall wellbeing.

2. Take up Healthy Eating Habits 

Eating a healthy diet goes hand in hand with healthy living. It helps in losing weight and keeps you energized throughout the day. Without a proper healthy diet, you will be denying your body nutrients that are essential for optimum performance.

It is important to cut down on eating processed foods as they may result in fiber and magnesium deficiency. Rather, practice eating vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, and leafy greens at least five times a week to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

3. Stay Away From Tobacco 

Whether it is habitual or occasional, smoking poses a wide array of life-threatening risks such as lung cancer, heart disease or emphysema. Therefore, it is advisable for smokers to quit. Join a quit-smoking program or talk to a health-care provider for help, if you think you cannot do it alone.

4. Brush your teeth 

Dental health plays a major role in your wellbeing. A swab of saliva can tell a doctor exactly what is going on inside your body. Furthermore, many dental diseases are directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Consequently, it is crucial that you observe proper dental habits such as brushing your teeth after every meal, flossing daily and using a mouth rinse to kill bacteria,. Similarly, you should visit your dentist after every six months for dental cleanings and routine checkups.

5. Get Adequate sleep 

Sleep deprivation can cause reduced brain function, headaches, fatigue, and weight loss or gain. Ensure you get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night to ascertain your body is well relaxed and ready for the next day’s activities.

If you have trouble sleeping, try taking short naps in between the day or try out some tricks to relax before bed such as keeping your room dark and quiet before bedtime, not drinking caffeinated drinks before bed, eating a small bedtime snack such as chamomile tea, cherries, oatmeal or whole grain cereal with milk. This can help shift your mind and body to sleep mode.

6. Drink Lots of water and Limit your Alcohol Intake 

Staying hydrated aids in maintaining your focus throughout the day and keeps you from overeating. Pick water over sugary drinks and alcohol. Taking moderate amounts of alcohol is good for your heart. However, it can also increase the risk of cancer and liver damage. Men are advised to have no more than two alcoholic drinks a day while women should have no more than one alcoholic drink a day.


Take control of your health and encourage your family members to adapt to a healthy lifestyle as well. Remember, lifelong good health is heavily dependent on your lifestyle.

How to know If Your Electrician is Qualified

Finding an electrician is not too hard, but finding one that is good and qualified can be a little more challenging. It can be hard to figure out how to find a good electrician when you do not know what to look for. Do not fret, the following is a simple guide that will help you find a qualified electrician to work on your home. It may take time to figure out which electrician to trust, but it’s worth it since you are going to be paying this person after all.

Why are Qualifications Vital?

You would be surprised how many people do not think qualifications are important. Most of the time people only think about price, but the truth is that the qualifications of the electrician you are considering is vital. Ryan Bealmear, President of Teague Electric, says, “an electrician who has taken the time to earn his or her qualifications is an electrician who cares about safety.”

Yes, one of the main reasons you need to take your time to figure out if your electrician is qualified is because your safety is on the line. Subpar electrical work can actually lead to things like electrical fires, which can put your entire family at risk. Things get worse if you hired an unlicensed and under-qualified electrician because your insurance company is likely not going to cover your losses due to this fact.

Having an electrician who is qualified also means having an electrician who is going to work safely. Becoming a certified and qualified electrician requires about five years of education and thousands of on-the-job hours to make sure the job is performed as safely as possible. Keep in mind that there are specific codes and laws that your electrical work must abide by depending on your community and state, which your electrician is meant to help you achieve.

How to Figure Out if Your Electrician is Qualified

Now that you know why you should go the extra mile with regards to your electrician’s qualifications you can learn how to figure this out. Sure, there are a number of ways to figure out if an electrician is right for you; for example, you can read reviews. You can also find out how long the individual has been working as an electrician, which can help you figure out if someone is right for you, but you still have to figure out if they are qualified.

You are going to need to gather information from your electrician; for example, you can jot down the license number. This is a number you can request, and a qualified electrician should be happy to share it with you. Of course, you can also just jot down the electrician’s full name or the company’s official business name.

After gathering one or all of the pieces of information mentioned here, you can call your local licensing department. This department should give you the information you need to verify your electrician’s qualifications. You can also call the state’s Department of Labor just in case you can’t get through your local licensing department.

Another thing you can do to ensure that your electrician is qualified is ask for proof of liability insurance. The reason you ask for this proof is because insurance companies do their homework and will not cover an electrician who is not qualified to do the job safely. You are going to be using an insurance company’s incredible fear of having to pay for damages to your advantage. All you have to do is verify that the electrician has active coverage by giving this insurance company a call.

It is important that you find out what kind of license your contractor has as well. There are two types: One licenses an individual while the other licenses the contractor. Knowing which license your electrician has should help you figure out if he or she is qualified. A contractor has to be able to ensure that all of his or her employees meet qualification while an individual only has to produce his or her own qualifications.

Hopefully, some of this information helps ensure that you end up working with a qualified electrician. Your safety, your family’s safety, and your property deserve a good electrician even if it takes some time for you to find one.

Where to Go in the Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest is one of the most desirable places on the planet for travelers who love spectacular scenery and fascinating cities and is a place I frequently travel too. Snow-capped mountain peaks, rainforests, and a remote coastline with rocky shores attract hikers and campers or those simply looking for a scenic drive. Cities like Portland and Seattle have great sight-seeing opportunities, shopping, nightlife, and wineries and breweries to tour. The following list highlights some of the best places to go in the Pacific Northwest.

Seattle has lots to offer travelers from attractions like the Space Needle and Pike Place Market to hidden surprises. You’ll have picturesque views from every part of town, especially Kerry Park and the waterfront’s Seattle Great Wheel. The hip hotels in Seattle make getting accommodations here especially fun. Be sure to take a cruise across Puget Sound and visit one of the Washington wineries in Woodinville. The Museum of Flight and the Chihuly Garden and Glass museum are other must-sees in Seattle.

Olympic Peninsula
Wild ocean beaches, majestic mountain peaks, glaciers, rainforests, deep lakes, and waterfalls characterize the Olympic Peninsula paradise. You’ll find incredible views at Hurricane Ridge of distant Mount Olympus with glaciers reflecting the sunlight. It’s a popular place for hiking and mountain biking. The road is open in winter for sledding and skiing. Great camping is available at Heart of the Hills Campground.

Kalaloch and Ruby Beach are popular areas of Olympic National Park. They are located on the southwest coast of the Olympic Peninsula directly off of Highway 101. The beaches are pristine here and the wildlife is plentiful. The Kalaloch area has good facilities, trails, and camping. The Hoh River is a natural boundary north of Ruby Beach.

Mt. St. Helens
A long and scenic day trip from either Portland or Seattle will take you to beautiful Mt. St. Helens. Start at Castle Rock for the fifty-mile stretch of Highway 504 that goes into the Mount St. Helens National Monument area. Castle Rock is off of Highway I5 which connects Seattle and Portland. The main visitor center is located on Hwy 504.
Silver Lake Visitor Center features presentations on the history and culture of the area and a list of events leading to the eruption as well as some interactive exhibits.

Travel on to the Hoffstadt Bluffs Visitor Center located at mile marker 27. It’s more commercialized and charges no entrance fee. This center has a large restaurant. You can also take a helicopter tour here. The last visitor’s center is the Johnston Ridge Observatory located five miles from the summit of the mountain. Be sure to see the film they show on the eruption.

Mt. Rainer
Mt. Rainer is located 59 miles southeast of Seattle. It’s the highest mountain in the Cascade range. Most travelers experience Mt. Rainer by vehicle or by hiking, but biking is an enjoyable option since most of Westside Road is open to biking and hiking but closed to cars. You’ll go through spectacular old-growth forest and pass over quaint stonework bridges. Take the Eastside Trail and follow the snow-fed river with its lovely waterfalls. Mt. Rainer has five developed areas that feature lodging from simple campgrounds to hotels and restaurants.

Southern Oregon Coast
Rugged cliffs, remote beaches, the deep blue Pacific, and quaint seaside towns characterize this part of the Oregon coast. Go whale watching at Coos Bay. Bike or hike along the coastline. Visit the antique shops in old town Bandon. Play a round of golf at the famous Bandon Dunes golf course. Anglers will want to cast for salmon at Gold Beach. Visit the Sea Lion Caves near Florence then head to Newport to see the state’s second-tallest lighthouse. In the scenic town of Astoria, you’ll get to explore the western edge of the Lewis and Clark trail.

Portland, Oregon is the PNW’s second most populated city. You’ll enjoy the locals here. They don’t mind if you think they are a weird bunch. It’s similar to Seattle, yet different. The area is gorgeous with Mt. Hood and the Columbia Gorge River nearby. Stop by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry for fascinating hands-on displays. Spend an afternoon in Washington Park and see the zoo, Japanese Gardens, and arboretum. There are 15 miles of trails that connect with Forest Park, Pittock Mansion, and Council Crest.

There’s much more to see and do in the PNW. The beauty of the area and all it has to offer will have you wanting to return again and again.

How to Help Your Kids Through a Divorce

Divorce is hard on the entire family, but it’s the children who often suffer the most. Their entire lives are being turned upside down, and in many cases, they don’t understand why. It’s important for parents to help their children through this difficult time with as much support and compassion as possible.

Allow the Kids to Express Their Feelings

Encourage the kids to be honest about their feelings. Let the kids know that their feelings are important and are taken seriously.

Instead of just offering ways to make everything better, validate your child’s feelings. Saying “I know that you feel sad right now” lets your child know that his or her feelings are valid and valued.

Also, let the child know that it’s okay to feel excited or happy about the future.

Keep Things as Normal as Possible

Do your best to keep things as normal as possible. Yes, mom and dad may be living in separate homes now, but that doesn’t mean that the children’s lives need to be completely upended.

Do the same things you have always done with your children. If dad always picks them up from school, then dad should continue doing that.

It’s important to maintain stability for the sake of the children. The effects of growing up in an unstable household are not always obvious. Some kids may have trouble setting goals, or the stress may interfere with immune system function.

Maintaining a sense of normalcy will help the kids feel safe and secure. Remember that if you and/or your ex are stressed about the future and the current situation, that stress will be felt by the rest of the household.

Make Sure the Children Know They are Loved

Reassure the kids that they are and will continue to be loved by both parents. Kids often blame themselves for the divorce. They need to know that the situation is in no way their fault.

Avoid Talking Badly about the Other Parent

Rarely do couples part on good terms. It’s understandable that you may be feeling angry or resentful. But it’s important to remember that your ex is still your child’s parent. Whatever happened between the two of you has nothing to do with their relationship.

Your ex may not be a suitable partner for you, but he or she may still be a wonderful parent.

Never speak ill of your ex in front of the kids.  

Keep the Kids in the Loop as Much as Possible

While you don’t have divulge every single detail about the divorce, it’s a good idea to keep the kids informed about changes that may be coming in the future.

If the children will be alternating weekends with each parent, let them know the arrangements. If one parent is moving out, allow the children to come along and see the new place.

Keeping the kids in the loop will allow them to prepare for the changes ahead. Remember that these changes are stressful for kids, and they often feel powerless. Just letting them know what’s going to happen will provide a little peace of mind.

10 Unusual Ways to Earn Extra Cash

From turning your car into a billboard to renting your backyard to campers, you might be surprised at the different usual strategies people turn to in a bid to make an extra buck. The best thing, most require zero to limited skills and only a fraction of your free time but still present a huge potential of fattening your bank account. Here are some of the out-of-the-ordinary ways you can put your time into earning that extra income:

1. Participate in a Mock Trial

Before presenting their case to the dreaded jury, most lawyers tend to test the waters by holding mock trials with a group of online jurors. Most of these trial sessions take less than an hour and compensation varies per session. You too stand a chance of being part of the team and earning an extra income. How does it work? The lawyer sends the case, you get to review it and offer feedback within the stipulated time.

2. Sell Diabetic Test Strips

Are you living with diabetes and have access to insurance schemes that make it possible to access the diabetes test strips for free or at highly discounted prices? You can earn extra income out of the test stripes by selling them online. Find a reputable online site that buys the test stripes and advances them to uninsured and deserving diabetes patients at lower than retail price. In such a case, you get to help there people in need while making an extra coin out of the gesture.

3. Turn your car into a billboard

Turning your car into a moving billboard makes sitting for long hours on the freeway traffic worthwhile. If you are constantly cruising the city streets and park in publicly accessible and visible points, you can approach the different advertising companies and have them plaster the exterior of your car with adverts while getting paid for it.

4. Walk dogs or clean windows

Have too much free time at hand? Make use of it by helping neighbors with the tasks they just can’t find time to handle. These vary from walking the dog, cleaning their pets, washing the windows, mowing the lawns or gardening their backyards. The often considered odd gigs have the potential of paying more per hour than most nine-to-five jobs.

5. Sell your smartphone photos

With the advancements in technology and an increased number of websites and blogs constantly looking for unique images alongside the content they publish, you don’t need to be Davinci to earn from your art. Different photo stockists allow you to place quality smartphone and professional camera photos on their sites. Here, you earn royalties every time people download the image or a one-time fee to sell the rights of the photo.

6. Sell your hair And Plasma

There are people out there willing to pay for some of the naturally occurring things on your body. These include your hair, sperm, and blood plasma. Ideally, the longer the hair the more it fetches, but it also has to be all-natural with no dye and not chemically treated. Sperm and blood plasma donation also form part of the least invasive ways of earning extra income from body fluids while ovum donation forms the more rewarding but also more invasive method of making extra income.

7. Rent out your extra rooms in the house or backyard For Campers

More tourists are ditching hotel rooms and turning to the more affordable extra bedrooms with homeowners acting as hosts. Airbnb has particularly gained traction as one of the leading online platforms matching tourists with local hosts. Note that renting out the backyard to campers has also gained popularity.

8. Join A Clinical Trial

How does the idea of selling your body, albeit temporarily, to science with a potential of huge returns sound? If you are confident of your health condition, consider taking part in the different clinical trials and be part of a medical and scientific research. Part of this research may include drug testing, physical exercises, and emotional or psychological tests like sleep deprivation.

9. Become A Local Tour Guide

How well do you know your city and is it considered a great tourist attraction? Note that as the idea of budget travel takes root, more people are turning to city dwellers to help them navigate through their travels by acting as their guides as opposed to hiring the expensive professional tour guides. You can even consider renting out spare rooms or backyard to these tourists and also act as their local tour guides.

10. Join a focus group

You can also get paid to voice your opinion on different products and services. Companies hold online focus group sessions regularly with individuals that have interacted with products or services and pay them to answer questions about their experience with these products.

Bottom line

Most of these extra income opportunities can be conducted in your free time, don’t require special skills, and don’t call for an initial investment. You just have to decide on whether the invasiveness of some exceeds your tolerable levels. For instance, if you aren’t open to the idea of strangers hanging around your house or backyard, consider registering as an online juror or participate in a focus group. Plus their flexible schedules allow you to engage in as many activities as possible.

Medical Malpractice: Your First Steps to Take

Medical errors and misdiagnoses are more common than you think. Recent studies have shown that 220,000-440,000 deaths per year are due to medical errors. These errors are the third leading cause of death, ranked only behind heart disease and cancer.

Although the majority of health care providers take every measure possible to provide patients with the highest standard of care, there are times when things go wrong.

If you are the victim of medical malpractice, it’s important to plan your next steps carefully – especially if you plan to file a claim.

Contact the Medical Professional

The first step is to contact the medical professional responsible for the injury before filing a claim. The purpose of this step is to get an understanding of what may have went wrong and give the physician a chance to determine whether the problem is something that can be remedied.

In many cases, medical providers will perform services (sometimes free of charge) to provide a solution or to correct a problem.

Contact the Licensing Board

If you are unable to remedy the problem by contacting your doctor, then contact the local medical licensing board. The board is not likely to require the medical provider to give you compensation for the injury, but they can issue a warning.

The board can also advise you on the next steps.

Hire a Lawyer

If you plan to file a claim, it’s in your best interest to at least consult with a lawyer. A lawyer who specializes in medical malpractice claims will have the knowledge and experience to help you through the claims process.

You can go through the process on your own, but there’s a good chance that you’ll walk away with a lower settlement than you deserve.

Understand the Statutes of Limitations

When deciding whether you should file a claim, it’s important to determine how much time you have to bring the claim. All civil claims have time limits, known as statutes of limitations. You must file a claim within a certain time period from when the injury occurred, or you risk waiving your rights to recover compensation for your injuries.

Get a Medical Assessment to Confirm that You Have a Case

Many states are now requiring that patients file a certificate of merit before they file a medical malpractice case. The certificate is proof that the injuries you suffered resulted from the negligence of a health care provider.

In order to file a certificate of merit, you must first contact an expert. Typically, the expert will be another physician. The expert will look over your medical records and certify that the physician did not adhere to proper protocol, which resulted in your injuries. Your attorney will file the certificate of merit, which confirms that your action has merit.

Consider Settling Out of Court

A medical malpractice case can be expensive and time-consuming. For this reason, most cases are settled out of court. Medical malpractice insurance companies reject a large portion of claims, so it may be in your best interest to settle outside of the courtroom.

You lawyer will provide you with advice and guidance on how to proceed with your case for the best outcome.