Fasting has become very popular nowadays but it dates back to centuries ago and has been a part of some religions and cultures. There are diverse methods of fasting, which means abstaining from food (or certain foods) for a particular set time-period.
The most common fasting cycles are between 24-72 hours and intermittent fasting has also been widely used. The latter simply means that those who choose to fast this way can do so for a few hours or a few days at a time while intermittently eat and fast.
Despite the cultural and religious aspect of this practice, scientists have found out that there are health benefits of fasting. What are they? Here are 5 fasting benefits backed by science.
Slows down aging
Fasting can have great benefits such as delaying aging and extending the lifespan of those who partake in it. There is research that has produced positive results concerning the delaying of aging, which has been conducted on animal subjects.
As mentioned on, that may be caused by the process of autophagy where your body sheds of old cells and regenerate new cells that are healthier. The cells make you a healthier person and thus limit your rate of aging and will keep you functioning at optimum health for longer. By fasting every once in a while, you will potentially add more years alive.
Improves blood sugar levels
Fasting helps with blood sugar control and it can definitely come in handy for people suffering from diabetes. A study that was conducted on people with type 2 diabetes proved that short-term intermittent fasting can decrease blood sugar levels.
Fasting has the same effect as decreasing your calorie intake – effectively, the blood sugar levels will remain level and manageable.
Do not attempt fasting with the intention of improving blood sugar without consulting a medical professional first. That is to avoid long-lasting effects that your body might have when reacting to the sudden change in diet.
Helps combat inflammation
It is pretty normal having inflammation because it is the response of the body to fight off infections. Although that is true, chronic inflammation can have detrimental effects on your health and can be symptoms of a deeper underlying cause. For example, inflammation around the joints of the fingers could be symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
On the other hand, inflammation can also be symptoms of cancer and heart disease. Some studies suggest that fasting can do the trick of reducing that inflammation and help promote your overall health.
Improves heart health
Heart health problems contribute to a large number of deaths annually and everyone is at risk of being affected by it. To try and curb this illness, some have tried fasting and the results were that it helped improve heart health.
It is very important to consult with your doctor before trying to fast to improve heart health. Fasting also affects blood pressure levels by decreasing them and that limits the chances of having a stroke or heart attack.
Helps with weight loss
Weight loss is something a lot of people are concerned about and rightfully so. If you are obese, you’re more at risk of getting health issues like the ones outlined above and many more. When fasting, you will automatically decrease the overall calorie intake you consume. Over the long run, that can lead to losing weight.
Above that, fasting can help boost the metabolism because it spikes up the levels of the neurotransmitter responsible for this task. That can also positively contribute to weight loss and help you prevent the risk of being obese and suffering from relative illnesses.