Tag Archives: Al Smith

Forgotten Freedom Fighters: Al Smith

He was funny, earthy, hard-working, and smart. And he was the most-hated man in America.
Al Smith was born poor on the Lower East Side New York City, with grandparents who were Irish, German, Italian, and Anglo-Irish. His father died, and when Al was 14 years old he told his desperate mother that he would support the family. School days ended, and so did childhood. Al liked to say that the only degree he held was F.F.M. – Fulton Fish Market.
It was hard, hard labor, but in his scant spare time he started running errands for the neighborhood politicians of the Tammany Hall machine. He was trusty, and some of them started talking to him. Over time they was entrusted him with bigger and bigger assignments, and finally they rewarded him with the Democratic Party nomination for state assembly.
When he was elected in 1904 he was far from the only uneducated legislator in Albany, but he felt his lack acutely, and kept his mouth shut – not at all surprising for a puppet (his colleagues supposed) expected simply to vote as Tammany ordered.
When he finally started talking, legislators were flabbergasted that was doing something that none of them attempted. He read every word of the proposed bills, and he had ideas about them – his own ideas, not the machine’s ideas.
His quiet competence, his hard work, and his Tammany connections led to a slow rise within the assembly, until the Triangle fire of 1911 killed 146 factory workers in New York City. Meeting with the families affected him deeply, and he was appointed, with State Senator Robert Wagner, to the Factory Commission, to investigate factories and recommend new laws to govern them. Wagner and social worker Frances Perkins took the public lead, while Smith continued his habitual quiet hard work – never missing a meeting, never missing an inspection visit, both of which required travel all across the state. He had strong opinions, but still recognizing his own limitations he told Perkins and Wagner to write the laws, while he concentrated on getting them passed.
Despite furious and unending opposition by many factory owners and money men, the Commission brought 64 bills to the legislature, and got 60 of them turned into law. The state was finally acknowledging and acting on responsibility for ALL its people, not just the ones with big money.
The factory owners screamed that these bills would kill all the businesses, and destroy the economy of New York, but as we all know, that didn’t happen. In 1918 New York’s voters made Al Smith their governor, for the first of four terms.
From the governor’s office he brought about civil service reform, and more laws to protect the workers and the poor. He arranged to pave the East Lake Road on Keuka. Along with Robert Moses he created a state park system, and a modern road system to reach the parks. (They acquired Stony Brook to become a park, though Letchworth and Watkins Glen were already state properties.) In 1928, Smith won the Democratic nomination for president.
And millions of Americans exploded with hatred and fury. It was bad enough that he came from New York City. Bad enough he spoke up the the working poor. Bad enough his parents had been immigrants (a lie – it was his grandparents). Most importantly, most enragingly, Al Smith was a CATHOLIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To their mind Catholics always obeyed their priests, and the priests always obeyed the pope, so with Smith in the White House we would actually be ruled from Rome, where the Pope was already rubbing his hands with demonic glee. Protestantism (to their mind, the only true religion) would be persecuted. America, they mistakenly insisted, had always been a Protestant country, and could never permit Catholics to rule.
Or do much of anything else, apparently. In Penn Yan the Ladies of the Klan (honest) made a list of “Businesses That Are Prodident” (their spelling), so they’d know to boycott the others. MANY local people, and local churches, openly supported the Klan, and hated Al Smith.
Fueled by anger at Smith, immigrants, big cities, Catholics, Jews, Black people, and anti-prohibitionists, white Protestant Americans signed up in tens of thousands for the Ku Klux Klan – robes, hoods, cross burnings, and all. In many cases, their pastors joined up with them, and they did the same right here. The Klan held rallies at Chemung and Steuben County fairgrounds, and in many local churches. They conducted parades and motorcades. A man in Painted Post named his business “K.K.K. Garage.” There are K.K.K. gravestones in Canisteo.
Franklin Roosevelt had called Smith “the Happy Warrior,” but when Smith campaigned by train in the plains states, burning crosses lined the tracks of his route for miles. He fought hard, but lost. His family said that he never fully recovered from having been the target of so much vitriol.
From there, it was a downhill slide for Al. He was one of a great many who vastly underestimated Franklin D. Roosevelt, wrongly assuming he could pull F.D.R.’s strings. He headed up the company building the Empire State Building (the first time he’d ever made any real money), and came to oppose Roosevelt’s programs and policies (which Roosevelt freely admitted had originally been Smith’s). But he was a fierce and outspoken foe of Hitler from the time Hitler seized power, and eventually reconciled with Roosevelt. He died in 1944, exactly five months after his beloved wife, still living, as he had been since he was born, on the Lower East Side.
Al Smith helped transform the nation into a nation that cares (and works!) for ALL its people. He helped build a government that would be functional in the 20th century. He fought against religious bigotry, and for the rights of ALL Americans to be equal Americans. He didn’t invent the expression, but he said it clearly and frequently, and lived it fully: “All the ills of democracy can be cured by – more democracy.”

Hidden History: The Ku Klux Klan Grips Western New York

One of the puzzles of our history is how western New York fell under the sway of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. Most people would have thought it was a relic of Reconstruction days down south. But exploding almost from nowhere after the First World War, the Klan suddenly became a great power in the land, up to and including controlling the goverments in some states… even in the north. In New York it was especially powerful on Long Island, in Binghamton, and here in the western counties.

*Hate, bigotry, prejudice, stereotypes, and POWER drove the Klan. In the 1920s, a CATHOLIC, Al Smith, was governor of New York! He ran for president! Well, this was a Protestant country! “Everybody knew” that Catholics HAD to obey orders from their priests, or they would go to Hell, and priests HAD to follow orders from the Pope, so all the Catholic voters would put a Catholic in the white house, and we would be ruled from Rome by the Pope pulling the president’s strings. When Al Smith campaigned through Oklahoma in 1928, the Klan burned crosses all along the railroad route. It didn’t break him, and it didn’t stop him. But his family said that the tidal wave of hatred haunted him for the rest of his life.

*Fear also drove the Klan, and certainly there were things to be afraid about. Here in our region in the 1920s, farm folks were already in the grip of the Depression. As far back as 1900 families had begun walking away from the hilltop farms, which had become so uncompetitive that there wasn’t even any point in trying to sell the land. Now prices collapsed as World War I ended, and farmers were stuck with time payments on the tractors and other equipment that they’d bought to replace the young men who went into uniform. Prohibition clobbered the grape growers and the wineries. The big Curtiss plant in Hammondsport closed, putting almost a thousand people out of work. Then the young men came back from the war, and couldn’t find work, as the government said, not OUR problem! If you haven’t got a job it’s because you’re lazy, or because you’re not good enough to be hired. It’s your own fault.

*Motorcars annihilated economic life out in the hamlets. They had had their own stores, schools, doctors, churches, undertakers. But who needed the little store in Coss Corners or Harrisburg Hollow when you could drive to Bath… or from Perkinsville to Wayland, Bloomerville to Avoca, Hornby to Corning? The rich man of Risingville was now a guy who ran a funny little shop in the sticks, with an outhouse in the back, and a kerosene lamp on the counter.

*How could this be happening? How was their way of life being snatched away from them? They could have answered this question by sitting down to study historical, social, economic and technological forces, OR they could grab a prepackaged answer that (a) was easy and (b) gave THEM no blame and no responsibility whatsoever!

*So if you didn’t have jobs, it’s because of the immigrants! If kids were leaving the churches, it’s because of modern ideas foisted on us by faraway professors and writers and movie makers! If the bank wouldn’t extend your loan, it’s because the Jews are strangling us! If there was crime, it’s because of all those Italian mobsters that we’ve never actually SEEN, but people keep telling us about! If our political power was slipping away, it’s because women can vote now, and so many people have moved to those cities!

*The Klan got its start as a terrorist group attacking African Americans, and also attacking white Americans who believed in a biracial country. One of the first movie spectaculars, “The Birth of a Nation,” had whitewashed and popularized it in the ‘teens, and that surely helped the “new” Klan, along with aggressive modern marketing and advertising techniques.

*So did the expansion of its “mission.” Here in our area, Klan propaganda against African Americans seemed sort of pro forma. Their real rage was reserved for Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and leftists.

*The Klan was wildly popular in, and enthusiastically supported by, many area Protestant churches. In Penn Yan they picketed against the Catholic church, and boycotted non-Protestant businesses. Many churches hosted Ku Klux Klan delegations, in which robed and hooded Klansmen marched into services singing “Onward Christian Soldiers,” made a donation, and received the blessing of the pastor and the thunderous applause of the congregation. Crosses burned on hills throughout the region, and sometimes on the lawns of Catholics and immigrants.

*The movement lost steam once Al Smith passed from power, and the Great Depression demanded everyone’s full attention. The Klan’s state head in Indiana raped and brutalized his secretary, then prevented her from getting medical help until she died, undercutting the Klan’s claim to be defending Christian morality.

*People in our region gave up on the Klan, and pretty much stopped talking about it. But a surprising number kept their robes, regalia, and other memorabilia, squirreled away in attics in trunks that would be opened by horrified grandchildren cleaning out after the old folks’ deaths.

*One senior citizen told me that his father-in-law had admitted his long-ago membership in the Klan, but insisted that the only real issue locally was to demand than any voter be required to be literate in English. While that concern would fit, I have to say that I’ve never actually found it in any documents from the 1920s. My friend and I both assumed that that was how the father-in-law, decades later, justified to himself the years that he spent in America’s leading hate group.