Time-Traveling Through the 1920s — Part Two!

Two weeks ago in this space we took an imaginary time-travel trip, to visit places and buildings that enjoy their centennials here in this decade – starting with the Village of South Corning (1920), and working our way up to the Babcock Building (once Babcock movie theater) in Bath (1924).
Sliding to Painted Post, a few blocks down from the 1923 municipal building, we can jump ahead to 1925 and see Painted Post High School, which was advanced enough to be written up in contemporary architecture magazines.
Swing way up to the northwest, past North Cohocton, and another timeslip brings us to the striking Tudor Revival-style Rowe House, built in 1926 and now on the National Register of Historic Places.
Way to the south, and yet another year ahead in 1927, Woodhull High School was opened. This was a gratifyingly large and advanced institutuion for that rural area. Like Painted Post High School, Woodhull’s was impressive enough for the architecture magazines to take note. It’s now the town hall.
Tucked up in Steuben County’s northwest corner, if we go another year ahead to 1928, we can get in on the official opening of Stony Brook State Park. It was still largely undeveloped at the time, but Al Smith and Robert Moses had the vision to see what it could become. We should still thank them for it.
Another time-skip, to 1929, and we can watch the first kids walking down the short Valerio Street to Addison Central School, yet another example of communities and school planners building for the modern age, and preparing their children to thrive in it. (The state was financially encouraging new school construction at the time.)
Then in Bath we can join a well-dressed crowd (including kids in colonial costume) at Pulteney Park, where the Daughters of the American Revolution have gathered to dedicate a memorial to Charles Williamson. Williamson, who energetically developed this region in the 1790s, certainly deserves a memorial, but we can be amused by the D.A.R. sponsoring it. Williamson WAS in the army for the Revolutionary War, but on the OTHER side. Still, he founded Bath AND Steuben County.
Finally, we can make our way to Corning, where a large and well-known hotel has been demolished for replacement by an even larger, and far more modern, hostelry. The Baron Steuben Hotel is open for business, right at Centerway Square on Market Street. And its massive elegance still looks great, as it makes a home for the Chamber of Commerce, the city visitors center, the County Visitors Bureau, Finger Lakes Wine Country promotions, and more. It’s seen a LOT going by down on Market Street in the last century or so. And it looks like it’s not going anywhere for the century to come.

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