Baby Boom Toys (Part Two!)

A few weeks ago, in honor of the season, we looked at inductees to the National Toy Hall of Fame, which is at the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester. (Worth a visit – you should go!) We focused ourselves on Baby Boom toys, released no earlier than 1946.

But I’ll make an exception for the SLINKY, introduced for Christmas in 1945. The manufacturers brought their first batch of 400 to demonstrate at Gimbels in Philadelphia, and sold out the stock in minutes.

I well remember being flabbergasted by the thing in the mid-fifties, as it “walked” its way down the stairs. Clearly it wasn’t magic, but it darned well looked like it. The down side was that Slinkies easily got twisted or tangled. (Still do, I suppose.) But the lifelike movement was compelling.

I was about 13 when G. I. JOE burst onto in the scene, so I didn’t get caught up in the enthusiasm. My younger cousin did, though. And so did millions of others.

G. I. Joe was sort of a male counterpart to Barbie, with all the changes of costume and paraphernalia. He was billed as an a-c-t-i-o-n f-i-g-u-r-e, and not as a (heavens!) d*o*l*l, so boys could enjoy him with impunity. And they did! He became the progenitor of acres of action figures, from Star Trek to Star Wars to He-Man and She-Ra, and he himself is still going strong.

Not without a few hiccups along the way, especially as Vietnam provoked Americans to re-evaluate their love affair with war. He disappeared for five years or so beginning in 1978, and he shrank in size from 11 ½ inches to eight inches to 3 ¾ inches. He also diversified, becoming an astronaut, an explorer… an adventurer. Even today, he’s always ready for the next mission or the next challenge, and the next kid with dreams.

I also had only a nodding acquaintance with the EASY-BAKE OVEN, originally available in such modern designer colors as turquoise and pale yellow. It’s very fondly remembered and still sells up a storm. The elementary-school girls in Jimmy Gownley’s Amelia Rules graphic novel series speak of it with awe as the “holy grail” of Christmas gifts. Hats off to the designers who discerned the brilliant and elegant simplicity of a pair of hundred-watt light bulbs making a safe yet functional oven for kids.

Oh, yes, the SKATEBOARD, or, in the early parlance of the day, the “sidewalk surfer.” Not being very good (even today) at fine-motor coordination, I couldn’t use the thing for beans. But they sure were popular! And still are today! And good for them (assuming you take safety precautions), for giving the kids fresh air and exercise.

Kudos also to the BIG WHEEL, first introduced by Marx. By the time it came out I was far too hulking to use it, but it transformed the venerable tricycle into a far safer (but even faster!) vehicle, mainly by lowering the rider, lowering the center of gravity, and replacing sharp-edged, unyielding metal with molded plastic. More fun, more safe. Love ’em both.

Even adding this second blog doesn’t exhaust the Baby Boom contributions to the National Toy Hall of Fame! We’ll add some more another time.