6 Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), health is much more than the absence of illness. It is the state of physical, mental, dental and social well-being of a person. As such, numerous factors play a role in staying healthy. Therefore, it is essential to adapt to a healthy lifestyle in order to keep diseases at bay.

Observing healthy behaviors goes a long way in improving your overall health and lowering the risk of getting sick. Here are six health and wellness tips to keep you healthy at all times.

1. Exercise regularly 

Even if you have little time for leisure, it is important to dedicate a small portion of your daily routine to jog around your neighborhood or do a couple of exercise routines in the comfort of your home. Regular exercise improves your cardiorespiratory and mental health, aids in losing weight and can improve your overall wellbeing.

2. Take up Healthy Eating Habits 

Eating a healthy diet goes hand in hand with healthy living. It helps in losing weight and keeps you energized throughout the day. Without a proper healthy diet, you will be denying your body nutrients that are essential for optimum performance.

It is important to cut down on eating processed foods as they may result in fiber and magnesium deficiency. Rather, practice eating vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, grapes, and leafy greens at least five times a week to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

3. Stay Away From Tobacco 

Whether it is habitual or occasional, smoking poses a wide array of life-threatening risks such as lung cancer, heart disease or emphysema. Therefore, it is advisable for smokers to quit. Join a quit-smoking program or talk to a health-care provider for help, if you think you cannot do it alone.

4. Brush your teeth 

Dental health plays a major role in your wellbeing. A swab of saliva can tell a doctor exactly what is going on inside your body. Furthermore, many dental diseases are directly linked to heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Consequently, it is crucial that you observe proper dental habits such as brushing your teeth after every meal, flossing daily and using a mouth rinse to kill bacteria,. Similarly, you should visit your dentist after every six months for dental cleanings and routine checkups.

5. Get Adequate sleep 

Sleep deprivation can cause reduced brain function, headaches, fatigue, and weight loss or gain. Ensure you get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every night to ascertain your body is well relaxed and ready for the next day’s activities.

If you have trouble sleeping, try taking short naps in between the day or try out some tricks to relax before bed such as keeping your room dark and quiet before bedtime, not drinking caffeinated drinks before bed, eating a small bedtime snack such as chamomile tea, cherries, oatmeal or whole grain cereal with milk. This can help shift your mind and body to sleep mode.

6. Drink Lots of water and Limit your Alcohol Intake 

Staying hydrated aids in maintaining your focus throughout the day and keeps you from overeating. Pick water over sugary drinks and alcohol. Taking moderate amounts of alcohol is good for your heart. However, it can also increase the risk of cancer and liver damage. Men are advised to have no more than two alcoholic drinks a day while women should have no more than one alcoholic drink a day.


Take control of your health and encourage your family members to adapt to a healthy lifestyle as well. Remember, lifelong good health is heavily dependent on your lifestyle.