Tag Archives: Chris Hemsworth

‘Thor: The Dark World’: The Boys are Back in Town



Much like ‘The Avengers’, ‘Thor: The Dark World” is a lesson in how the collective rage and hatred towards one person can bring together the most extreme of opponents and make them work together to achieve the impossible…except this is with a lot more Shakespeare in the park…er, Asgard.

Enlisting his (adopted) brother’s help, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) must stop Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) from destroying the Nine Realms (including Earth) and returning the universe to darkness.

Having made two movies together, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston make an enjoyable pair to see onscreen as Thor and Loki, respectably. Their abilities to portray these characters emit a confidence that makes for sharper dialogue, quicker comebacks, and an even deeper understanding of their relationship and their individual traits. It’s particularly with Loki with whom audiences receive much of their comedic relief and it’s also within this film that we see him unmasked. Beaming from having just caused destruction to New York City with an expendable army, he’s not only sentenced to a life inside a glass cage no longer being able to unleash his bag of tricks but also faces tragedy. As a result, we get to see a side to Loki that hadn’t been shared since ‘Thor’. Nevertheless, this humanizing moment is only temporary as it usually is with Loki and the God of Mischief appears once again (and we wouldn’t have it any other way).

Within the film are references to both ‘Thor’ and ‘The Avengers’ (or ‘Avengers Assemble’, depending on what side of the Atlantic you’re on) for the fans that have been there from the beginning. Some of what we’d been missing in ‘Thor’ is magnified here. In the beginning of the film, we get to see Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three in battle on Vanaheim, a world that had only been mentioned, but one in which we get to explore a bit more. As some of the film focuses on protecting all nine realms, it only makes sense to invite the audience into the environments of some of those realms, especially Asgard. We’re shown how they celebrate amongst their own, their environment, their customs, and their weaponry. In ‘Thor: The Dark World’, technology only emphasizes how much science and magic are one in the same, as expressed by Thor in this film’s predecessor. Much of their technology as well as technology used by the dark elves are used heavily in many of the very neat fight scenes throughout the film.

‘Thor: The Dark World’ feels very much like an extended episode of Star Trek. It showcases some very fascinating gadgetry, excellent battle sequences, and beautiful images that could only be seen in space (thanks to Hubble telescope). Depending on which (if not all) Star Trek series that could be referenced here, it’s not a strong plot (*cough* Deep Space Nine). In knowing how these characters operate and given the set up at the start of the movie, it’s not hard to guess what may happen next. Much of the story is predictable and not focused. The subplots involving Darcy, Jane Foster, and Dr. Erik Selvig are there to fill up the running time and not to necessarily add anything to the main plot, especially Darcy (Kat Dennings). Understandably, Darcy provides the comic relief while on Earth (or Midgard in reference to the Nine Realms), but the audience has plenty of that in scenes with Loki and Thor. We are constantly forced to jump from the more central plot on Asgard to the rest of the cast on Earth. Spending more time of the script might have prevented this movie from otherwise spinning a little out of control. If kept on Thor, Loki, Malekith (and perhaps even Odin), it might have been a more impressive film. Furthermore, this film takes for granted Eccleston’s much-felt menacing presence on screen and treats him more like an afterthought rather than a plot device.

In the second week of the “holiday season” in the film industry, ‘Thor: The Dark World’ is a fun time at the cinema with our favorite Asgardian siblings, a new enemy with a very dark threat (sorry, but not sorry), more to take in as far as the other worlds the exciting fight scenes, and a final battle that cleverly makes astrophysics look like child’s play.

Jim’s Rating: 7/10

  •  *Make sure to stay for the mid-credits AND the post-credits scene!*
  • **If you attend ‘Thor: The Dark World 3D’, make sure to catch the ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ 5-minute sneak peak in the previews!

‘Rush’: Intelligence & Focus Wins the Race



Don’t worry about the title; it’s not a spoiler. If you’re not already a fan of Formula One racing or fast cars in general, what you should be more concerned with is the possibility of getting a speeding ticket after watching this film (which you should do immediately).
Based on true events, ‘Rush’ recounts the lives and the rivalry between Formula One racers Niki Lauda and James Hunt. Director Ron Howard has made sure to shoot the majority of this film like a ‘70s flick intermixing modern-looking shots in each race. It gives audiences both the feel for the times and the adrenaline rush felt by both the riders and the spectators. Throughout the film are several shots inside the actual vehicles helping enhance that feeling of both danger considerably under certain circumstances, excitement in the ride ahead, and anticipation in the race. If that wasn’t enough to keep audiences engaged, each race is shot just a little different from the previous one.

Ultimately, however, ‘Rush’ isn’t just about racing, but it’s about two opponents that changed the rules of this otherwise life-threatening sport. Hemsworth and Brühl give phenomenal performances as the live-life-to-the-fullest, womanizing, night owl and as the ruthless, calculating, and intensely focused genius, respectfully. It makes for a fantastic (if not sometimes cruel and unrelenting) rivalry between Hunt and Lauda.
Although the story centers on Lauda evidenced by Brühl’s narration at both the beginning and the end of the film, scriptwriter Peter Morgan show both men having faults: Hunt’s self-destructive and impulsive personality and Lauda’s arrogance and consistently malignant comments to his crew, his teammates, to Hunt, and to the press. Nevertheless, combined with an excellent script and amazing acting performances, these same qualities that could arguably be the reasons for their own downfalls at different points in the story are the very traits that audiences respect in the end much like the understanding between both drivers towards the conclusion of the film.

The only slight setback is the editing within the actual races. Our eyes are constantly being forced to look in many different directions not allowing for a full appreciation for the rush meant to be felt by viewers. While zooming in and out of each drivers’ helmets providing reactions from the drivers themselves makes up for some of the exhilaration and tension that’s lost due to editing, the individual shots as each race progresses could have been made longer to only increase our admiration for this event that mixes life-and-death situations with sheer ecstasy.

‘Rush’ doesn’t have any agenda other than telling the story about racers who were known greatly for their rivalry as well as their talent. While Formula One is a bit foreign to a lot of us, Ron Howard has not only made this a sport that we can all respect, but a human interest story. It’s another look at two people living their lives with great risk. Audiences should take way each man’s motivation behind such a dangerous profession. Whether you live your life in the fast lane or with caution, there’s something that drives each person and every person should live their lives with no regrets.

‘Rush’ is a fun ride with a talented pair of main actors, a delightful script, and masterful shots. It’s one of Ron Howard’s best and an absolute must-see!

Jim’s Rating: 9/10