Tag Archives: over the door shoe organizer

Bedroom Closet Makeover Reveal: Elfa to the Rescue (Again!)

Closet Reveal CoverIf you are a regular blog reader, you probably remember my Guest Room Closet Makeover Reveal  post from February of this year. In that post, I confessed that there are several areas within my own home that are crying out for an organizational overhaul. One such space was my daughter’s closet.

Although the closet is quite spacious, the space wasn’t being utilized to its maximum potential. Storage containers consisted of a mishmash of old, inherited furniture pieces, random plastic drawers, and cardboard boxes. To make matters worse, all of the clothing hangers were inherited from retail stores who give you their hanger along with your purchased garments.
Bedroom Closet Makeover (11)

Since the closet was fairly functional, redesigning/organizing it was a home improvement project that stayed on the back burner, until…
Bedroom Closet Makeover (3)

Once the front drawer of this 50-year old hand-me down piece fell off, I took it as a sign to move the closet makeover to the front burner. So the first task was to examine what I call the closet “skeleton” (a.k.a., its basic infrastructure) to see how I might improve upon it.  Here it is in all o

Bedroom Closet Makeover (12)Once again, here’s where the Container Store comes to the rescue! As you all know, I am a huge fan of the Container Store’s Elfa storage systems (read my Elfa post to learn why). I spoke with an Elfa design consultant by phone, and together, we arrived at a design that would work for my daughter’s storage needs. Her need for drawer space trumps her need for hang space, so our design incorporated a whopping eight Elfa Mesh Hanging Drawers. Our design also included an additional shelf that allows for out-of-the-way storage of items that are seldom accessed (e.g., memorabilia).

Container Store Sketch

So the transformation began with the removal of the builder-installed stationary shelves. I prepared myself for the inevitable ginormous holes that result from this process. Nothing that a lot of spackle and some paint can’t conceal!

Bedroom Closet Makeover (13)

Yes, that’s right. I said paint. I took advantage of the opportunity to add a fresh coat of paint to the closet walls when it was emptied prior to installing the new shelving.

Installing an Elfa closet system was a piece of cake; the Container Store walked me through each step of the installation process via their online video tutorials. I installed this on my own over the course of approximately 2 hours.

Bedroom Closet Makeover (2)

Ready for the “Before & After” shot?

Bedroom Closet Makeover (1)

By far, my favorite part of the “makeover” is the Elfa drawers. Unlike the drawer systems that I used in the guest closet (which were the freestanding type), these mesh drawers are built into the wall track system via a hanging drawer frame.

Bedroom Closet Makeover (5)

They glide open effortlessly, and provide more than enough space to store my daughter’s pajamas, t-shirts, sweatshirts, off-season shoe collection, and her assortment of purses and tote bags.  As you can see in the photo below, there was just enough room to squeeze in a cool square mesh hamper that I purchased on clearance at Target (score!).

Bedroom Closet Makeover (8)

We made use of the walls on either side of the closet system by installing several Command Hooks.  The hooks are used to hang my daughter’s scarves, robe, and Girl Scout vest. The right wing wall contains a cute cork board for her to use as additional display space in her room.

Bedroom Closet Makeover (10)

Did you actually think I was going to use that mismatched collection of plastic department store hangers?  Surely you jest. Who could pass up these adorable kid-sized huggable hangers?

Bedroom Closet Makeover (4)

One vestige of the original closet set-up that continues to work like an organizational charm is this over-the-door shoe organizer. This tool is one of the most versatile organizing products available. For this space, the many compartments are used to store small toys and trinkets that would normally invade all of the flat surfaces of my daughter’s room.

Bedroom Closet Makeover (9)

I typically opt for the clear shoe organizers, but I couldn’t pass up this opaque one when I found it on clearance. It was just a matter of labeling the compartments to ensure that items are returned to their proper home.

My daughter was so ecstatic about this closet makeover that she asked me for a bedroom “makeover” for her birthday gift earlier this year. It only took me 10 months, but I finally completed that project!  Be sure to check out next week’s blog post to see the Before and After photos…

 Want to learn more about Natalie Gallagher or Refined Rooms?  Visit www.RefinedRoomsLLC.com or connect via: Facebook Pinterest | Twitter | LinkedIn

Using the Right Tools is Key to Maximizing Dorm Room Storage

College Dorm Organizing Product Roundup

A universal truth about dorm dwelling is that you will be living in much tighter quarters than you are accustomed to at home, AND you will likely be required to share your tight quarters with one or more roommates.  For these reasons, you will need to maximize storage space in your small corner of the campus.

Luckily, there are some great organizing and storage tools out there to assist you in taking advantage of every square foot of real estate within your dorm space. These tools will enable you to find storage space you didn’t realize you had in unexpected places, such as:

In The Desk “Zone”

1.  Rolling Drawer Cart:  One area that you may not have considered when hunting for additional storage space is the area under your desk. Use a rolling drawer cart to store everything from office supplies, electronics, to food.  Simply roll it out and slide it over temporarily when you are seated at your desk.  Sterilite 3-Drawer Wide White Cart

2.  Desk Hutch:  An add-on desk hutch (specifically sized for a dorm desk) takes advantage of vertical space above your desk, without the need to fasten something to the wall (which is typically prohibited).  It provides a place to house your text books, notebooks, etc. without sacrificing work space on your desk surface.  Classic Dorm Desk Bookshelf

3.  Desk Chair Storage Pocket:  When space is at a premium, you need to “think vertical” and store items in creative ways. For example, using a chair storage pocket takes advantage of the “dead space” on the back of your desk chair, which can be used to store small items such as notebooks, pens/pencils, and electronic devices.  Aussie Pouch Chair Pocket

 On the Back of Doors

4.  Over-the-Door Shoe Organizer:  The backs of doors are the most overlooked area for finding hidden storage space. One of my favorite general organizing tools is the over-the-door shoe organizer. It can be used to store just about anything…food, jewelry, accessories, electronics, and yes, even shoes. Be sure to opt for one that has clear pouches, since visibility is key. 24 Pocket Blue Shoe Organizer

5. Over-the-Door Towel Holder:  Dorm dwellers need to store their wet towels in their dorm room. What better place to stow them out of the way than on the back of your door!  4-Swing Rack Towel Holder

In the Closet

6. Double Hang Rod:  New dorm dwellers will likely be shocked to discover how tiny their dorm room closet is. Take heed! There are a number of ways to maximize space in the closet. If you hang the majority of your clothes, you will definitely want to take advantage of a double hang rod. It does precisely what its name implies…it literally doubles the size of your hang space.  Closet Doubler

7. Slimline Hangers:   Slimline or “huggable” hangers are a must in your dorm room closet. Their ultra-slim profile will enable you to maximize the number of garments you can hang in that tiny closet.  Joy Mangano Huggable Hangers

In the Bed “Zone”

8. Bed Risers:  My #1 piece of advice for maximizing dorm room storage space is to raise your bed off the floor so that you can utilize the space underneath it. The best case scenario would be to loft the bed high enough to create usable living space underneath it. If this is not an option, utilize bed risers to raise the bed high enough to accommodate under-the-bed storage containers. Colored Bed Risers

9. Bedside Storage Caddy:  You will likely need to go without a nightstand as a dorm dweller. The bedside storage caddy is your new place for housing those “nightstand” items, such as glasses, books, reading light, tissue, etc. Bedside Storage Caddy

On the Walls

10. Wall Organizer: Although you may be tempted to use your walls strictly for displaying decor, be sure to earmark some of the wall space for vertical wall-mounted storage solutions, such as a wall organizer. These can do wonders for keeping desktop paper piles at bay! Smead Cascading Vertical Wall Organizer

11. Adhesive Hooks:  One ironic aspect of dorm dwelling is that you’ve never needed to use wall space more, BUT you are typically prohibited from using any type of permanent fastener to hang items on the walls.  That’s where adhesive hooks come to the rescue! Be sure to pack a bucketful of adhesive hooks in a variety of sizes.  You will be shocked at all of the items you can hang on your walls and doors, as well as inside the walls of your closet (robes, jackets, belts, hats, keys, purses, totes, etc.) using hooks. Command Hook

 Want to learn more about Natalie Gallagher or Refined Rooms?  Visit www.RefinedRoomsLLC.com or connect via: Facebook Pinterest | Twitter | LinkedIn

The Professional Organizer’s “Top 10” List of Helpful Organizing Tools

go month white with napo landscape
January is national Get Organized (GO) Month, and members of the National Association of Professional Organizers (including me) have been celebrating all month long across the country by providing tips, tricks, advice, and information on all things ORGANIZATION!
Since I know that many of you will be hard at work this month attempting to bring order to the chaos that lurks in your closets, pantries, cupboards, file cabinets, and drawers, I thought it would be a good time to talk about products that you may find helpful as you tackle these areas.
Today, I’m sharing a list of “Top 10” picks from my arsenal of most frequently used organizing tools and products.

1.  Adjustable Shelving

Adjustable shelving systems aren’t just for closets!  Use them in the laundry room, your home office, kid’s rooms and craft rooms.  These systems enable you to maximize vertical space and create a fully customizable storage solution that can change over time as your needs change.  In this illustration, we made full use of this office nook by installing adjustable shelving to house office supplies.
Adjustable Shelving

2.  Hooks

I use hooks anywhere and everywhere throughout the home.  Use them in the mudroom to hang coats and keys, or in bedrooms to hang belts and scarves, or jewelry.  I especially love to use Command Hooks on the inside of doors (including cabinet doors) to add storage space when needed.

command hooks


3.  Glide-Out Shelving

If I could install these in every bathroom and kitchen cabinet across America, I would. Glide out shelving makes every inch of your lower cabinets and deep pantry shelves accessible. Check out my client’s pantry here; can you imagine what is what like for her to access items in the back of the pantry before we installed these? They are a terrific investment and I recommend these regularly when organizing kitchens and bathrooms.

Top 10 Glide Outs


4.  Over the Door Shoe Organizers

Use these for everything EXCEPT shoe storage! They are great for storing lots of small items. Use for craft supplies, toiletries, hair accessories, etc.  I recommend the clear organizers so that your small items are easily visible.

Top 10 Shoe Organizer
5.  Drawer Dividers

Drawer dividers are a must for organizing small things within a larger space. I routinely use them in dresser, kitchen, and desk drawers.
Top 10 Drawer Dividers

6.  Desk Top File Box

The desk top file box is one of the secrets to banishing those paper piles in your home.  I instruct my clients to place it in a central location in their home and use it to corral their “active” papers.

Top 10 Desktop File Folder


7.  Stackable Bins

Bins are the quintessential organizing product!   I use these in all shapes and sizes and for countless purposes.  Stackable bins are even more awesome because they enable you to maximize vertical space (do you sense a theme here?)
Top 10 Stackable Bins

8.  Door Rack Systems

Adjustable door rack systems magically increase your storage space by utilizing that oft-forgotten area on the back of your doors.  Not only have I installed these in client’s homes on the backs of doors, I’ve also used them on wall space in the basement stairway and in garages.  My favorite is the Container Store’s Elfa Door and Rack System.

 Elfa Door Rack


9.  Slim Profile Hangers

 Short on closet space? These non-slip felt hangers keep clothes in place with an ultra-slim profile that uses less space than conventional hangers. I love the ones that come with hooks that enable you to cascade hangers for even greater clothing storage capacity.
Top 10  Slim Hangers

10.  Magazine Files

Another great tool for banishing those pesky paper files!  Use these to store magazines, catalogs, periodicals, manuals, etc.  Face the spine outward in order to eliminate visual clutter.
Top 10 magazine files


No list of essential organizing products would be complete without the Organizer’s Best Friend…the Label Maker!  Labels make returning items to their homes (an essential step in maintaining an organized space) a no brainer.
label maker
So there you have it!  Can you think of a way to incorporate these organizing power houses into your next home organizing project?  Leave a comment and tell us all about it!

Interested in learning more about Natalie Gallagher or Refined Rooms LLC?  Visit www.RefinedRoomsLLC.com