Red, itchy skin: Get help for psoriasis

Written by Rebecca Budde, SIU School of Medicine 

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that affects about seven million people in the United States, according to the National Institutes of Health. The itchy, red scales caused by this genetic condition can be a source of mental and physical discomfort for those who suffer from snake

“The most common symptom of psoriasis is itching,” says SIU dermatologist Dr. Stephen Stone.  “In some patients, they sting and burn, but the main feature of the disease is this visible rash on the skin.”

Some important facts:

  • Psoriasis is not an infection
  • Psoriasis is not contagious
  • Environmental factors such as stress, trauma and sunburn can cause psoriasis flare-ups

The condition has no cure but fortunately, dermatologists can prescribe treatments to help. Those with moderate to severe psoriasis may also benefit from ultraviolet light treatments or injectable medications known as biologics. Thanks in part to a clinical trial that took place at SIU School of Medicine and other sites, a new oral medication, Otezla® (Apremilast), is also available for certain individuals who are diagnosed with moderate to severe psoriasis.

If you think you have psoriasis or another skin condition, contact your primary care provider or dermatologist. If you are in need a dermatologist, contact SIU’s Division of Dermatology at 217-545-8000.

Copyright SIU School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois