Zero motivation at the office? 8 tips to keep you going.

Written by Laura Bottom, SIU Center for Family Medicine
The chilly, gloomy weather affects us physically and mentally, often leading to reduced productivity at work.
Here are 8 tips to get you through the cold winter months:

Temperature: Keep your work space at a comfortable temperature. Chilly temps will make you focus on getting warm instead of getting things done. If you don’t have access to the thermostat controls in your area, find out who does. Ask for a more suitable temperature to be set from you and your co-workers. If the thermostat cannot be changed, wear layers or have a portable heater if your place of employment allows it. For those with chilly hands, gloves, hand warmers or a heated mouse can help. For those who can’t seem to find a cool enough space, add a fan.

Diet: Eating large meals or drinking sugary drinks can make you feel sluggish and bloated. Limit your carbohydrates and opt for higher protein, nutrient-rich energy foods instead. Have fruits and vegetables nearby for snacks. Nuts are also a good source of protein and can leave you feeling full longer.

Goals: Focus on upcoming projects or volunteer for a new assignment that excites you. Your initiative will ot only make you more productive, but it could give you extra confidence and sense of accomplishment. Your extra work and drive might even get noticed by your superiors.

Organize: Clean out your space. Dump those papers that don’t apply to current projects, delete deskcomputer files that are duplicates or no longer useful. Wipe down and sanitize your work area so that you don’t spread germs that will keep you home sick.

Stay healthy: Winter illnesses that keep you home from work mean you have to catch up when you return. Piled up work makes it hard to focus and causes stress. Practice good hand hygiene, cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze and wipe down your work area on a regular basis. If you DO get sick, stay home so that you don’t infect others you work with.

Vacation: If you tend to lose steam in winter months and your work gives you personal time off, plan a vacation. If you travel to a warmer climate, the sunshine and natural vitamin D can recharge your batteries. Even a short trip doing something you enjoy can give your motivation a boost. Before leaving try to tie up loose ends or projects so that when you return you don’t have to play catch-up.

Be prepared: Watch the weather reports. If bad weather is heading your way, leave earlier for work. If you are prepared first thing in the morning, you will have better focus throughout the day.

Socialize: Plan a lunch out or a break with co-workers. Being social helps connect you to others and breaks up the isolation that work can sometimes bring. The happier you are at work, the more productive you’ll be.

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