Goodbye smoking, hello freedom

Written by Rebecca Budde, SIU School of Medicine

Each year, more than 400,000 people in the U.S. die from tobacco use, making it the leading cause of preventable death in the country, according to the American Lung Association. Quitting smoking is especially crucial for those who have cancer, according to Dr. Michelle Gates, a psychologist at Simmons Cancer Institute (SCI) at SIU School of Medicine.

Quitting smoking before starting cancer treatment can:

  • minimize the severity of treatment side effects
  • maximize the body’s ability to heal after treatment
  • increase positive treatment outcomes
  • lower the chance of the cancer returning

“Quitting is tough, but it can also be an opportunity for empowerment and a chance for people with cancer to regain some control over their health and life,” Dr. Gates said. “I encourage people to talk to their doctor about medications, make an appointment with a psychologist or counselor, and enlist support from family and friends. Several smartphone applications can be helpful.”

To help people in central Illinois kick the nicotine habit, SCI is sponsoring the Freedom from Smoking group class, developed by the American Lung Association. Class participants will attend eight scheduled classes from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, October 20 through December 3.Family Fun

The eight-week program is designed to help participants learn how to beat tobaccoaddiction, adopt healthy lifestyle changes that make quitting easier, manage stress more effectively, avoid weight gain and stay smoke-free for good. The program has helped more than one million Americans overcome addiction to nicotine in the past 30 years.

“We don’t expect you to walk in the door and quit smoking immediately,” said Kristi Lessen, class facilitator and outreach coordinator at SCI.

“Quit Week” is Tuesday, November 10. An extra class is scheduled on Thursday, November 12, for additional support and assistance. 

Participants must attend every class, which is limited to 10 individuals. The classes provide a group setting to work through the process of quitting smoking. Research shows that the more time smokers spend in a supportive situation, the more likely they will achieve the goal to quit smoking.

Registration is $50 per person to cover program materials. To register, call 217-545-7493 or register online at and click on the “Freedom from Smoking” link.