Oliver & Company

Based on the beloved Dickens novel, this movie tells the story of an abandoned kitten named Oliver who is taken in by Fagan and his group of thieving dogs.

I loved this movie as a kid, because Oliver is adorable, as is Jenny, the young girl  who takes him in and gives him a loving home. Not that his other family doesn’t love him, because of course the dogs all come to hold great affection for little Oliver, especially Dodger.

Did I mention that Billy Joel is Dodger? “Why Should I Worry” is still one of my favorite Billy Joel songs.

This one is still well worth a watch. Anyone who isn’t delighted by Tito and Francis probably doesn’t have a sense of humor.

Couple of quotes from this one:

–“Hey man, if this is torture, chain me to the wall.”

–“Isn’t it rather dangerous to use one’s entire vocabulary in a single sentence?”

Side note: Marvel fans and comic enthusiasts were delighted over this past weekend with the release of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” I’m going to see it tonight, and I urge those who love Marvel to see it as soon as they can. Apparently THINGS HAPPEN. Especially to S.H.I.E.L.D. Speaking of, “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” is nearing its first season finale, and apparently the events in the film are directly connected to the show. So there’s that to look forward to! And Coulson. Because everyone loves Coulson.

Next time: The next installment of “The Year of Living Nerdily,” in which we discuss The Ninth by Harvey Sachs.