Tag Archives: stress

Beat the back-to-school stress

Kids Getting on School BusNew backpack full of supplies, shiny, new gym shoes, new clothes, new lunch box . . . back to school time is full of new and fun things for kids. For some children, however, back to school brings on stress and anxiety. But parents can take steps to help.
Children often have difficulty with the shift in routine and experiencing anxiety at this time is normal, according to SIU psychologist Dr. Glen Aylward. “If this is the first time the child is going to school, or if the child is going to a new school, there are a lot of adjustments going on such as changes in the schedule and demands for doing homework,” he says. “If there were previous issues such as ongoing problems or social issues the previous school year, this kind of re-awakens those.”
Dr. Aylward gives the following tips to help children adjust to the changes:

  • increase the child’s familiarity with the new situation prior to school starting – visit the new school and meet the teacher, if possible
  • start re-adjusting sleep and wake schedules ahead of time
  • take a positive approach and sell the good parts about school

If the child’s anxiety continues and causes a major negative impact on family interactions, parents should consult a school counselor, psychologist or their family physician. The child may be referred to a mental health professional.
