Tag Archives: school lunches

5 Tips for Healthier School Lunches

5 tips to a healthier lunch box 5 tips to a healthier lunch box

As the kids return to the classroom this fall, some parents face the challenge of packing lunches are easy to prepare, healthy and  won’t get traded in the school cafeteria.
SIU registered dietitian Sara Lopinski recommends these five tips for a healthier lunch in a box:
1.Stay away from the pre-packaged processed foods that are high in trans fat. Trans fats are typically found in larger amounts in cookies, snack crackers and cheese puffs, and they have been linked to heart disease and diabetes.
2. Pack reduced fat or baked crackers or chips, mini muffins or homemade trail mix.
3. Pack fruit in every lunch. Pineapple chunks, apples and grapes can easily be packed into small zip baggies or containers ahead of time for quick packing. Try mixing fruits together, like apple slices and cherries. 100% fruit leather is one alternative to fresh fruit.
4. Choose other nutritious foods that are easy to pack:

  • frozen yogurt tubes
  • cheese
  • raisins
  • slices of grilled chicken
  • baby carrots
  • nuts

5. Remember safe storage. The Centers for Disease Control reports that about 76 million Americans suffer food borne illness every year, and young children especially are at high-risk. Pack lunches so meat and milk foods stay cold until lunchtime: Use insulated lunch bags with freezer packs or pack a frozen water bottle next to foods that must be kept cold.
Lunch in a box can be healthy too!
What’s your favorite food to put in your student’s lunch?
