5 healthy ways to spend your extra hour

Written by Rebecca Budde, SIU School of Medicine

Spring forward – fall back.  This Sunday marks the day when we get to turn back the hands of time an extra hour. While it’s tempting to use the extra time to catch up on sleep, consider using your extra time getting yourself and your family prepared for the cold months ahead.

Food for thought: Pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies are right around the corner, but you can plan some healthy options to help keep the winter weight away. Use your extra hour to plan out some healthy menus for the year. Get the slow cooker ready and freeze portions to help save cooking time during busy nights.

It’s not too early to check the safety supplies in your car. Be sure you have a box with an ice scraper, tow rope, blankets, water, non-perishable food, gloves, hats, flashlight and batteries, candle and matches, first aid kit, shovel and any needed medications.

If you have a fireplace, be sure your chimney has been professionally cleaned. Have your gas lines checked if you have a gas fireplace. If you have a wood burning fireplace, it’s a good time to stock up on wood. Change your furnace filter and grab a couple extra to have on hand. Check your outdoor surroundings for areas that might be safety hazards when the snow and ice arrive.

Dry winter air is hard on the skin and makes breathing more difficult for some. Sanitize your humidifiers with vinegar and hot water so they’re ready to go when the cold hits.
old couple Exercise
Take a brisk Sunday morning walk, rake the leaves or go for a bike ride. Getting up, moving and enjoying the daylight will help your body reset its natural clock.

Opportunities abound to help others in the community. Make an effort to help neighbors clean their yard or serve dinner at the breadline.

Enrich your mind: Plan a visit to a local museum, library or historical site or just take an hour to read that book you keep putting off. 

Copyright ©SIU School of Medicine, Springfield, Illinois