Are e-cigs a smoke-screen? The truth about e-cigs.

Written by Rebecca Budde, SIU School of Medicine


As the public has become more educated about the dangers surrounding smoking, the sale of cigarettes has declined. But the rise in electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) has gained momentum. While some people believe that e-cigs can help kick the cigarette habit, experts warn that the research is limited and e-cigs still hold risks.

Here’s some basic information about e-cigs:

How does an e-cig work?

An e-cig is an electronic device designed to deliver nicotine with flavorings and other chemicals in vapor form from a cartridge rather than by smoke through the burning of tobacco. When the user inhales on the end of the e-cig, it generates heat; the heat vaporizes the liquid in the cartridge resulting in a nicotine-filled vapor.

Are e-cigarettes addictive?    

Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco cigarettes, so e-cigs with nicotine would also be addictive. E-cig liquids formulated without nicotine are unlikely to be addictive.

Are e-cigarettes a safe way to help people quit smoking?

“Data on the successful use of e-cigs to reduce or quit smoking are contradictory and inconclusive,” says SIU researcher Wiley Jenkins, PhD. “The evidence is mostly anecdotal; more studies are needed.” Dr. Jenkins’ research has shown that the success of using e-cigs to quit smoking is likely dependent upon an individual’s motivations to quit and other behaviors.

What other risks do e-cigarettes pose?

Other risks are unclear at this point. “E-cigs have not been studied as much as other tobacco products, but logic suggests that they are ‘safer’ than traditional tobacco products. The chemical compounds found in most tobacco products are absent in the e-cig liquids,” Dr. Jenkins says.

He also warns that e-cigs pose a risk to the younger population. “There’s substantial concern that e-cig liquid flavors can entice youth to use the product, and lead to nicotine dependence and perhaps use of traditional tobacco products. Flavored cigarette have been outlawed in the US since 2009 for this very reason.”

Because e-cigarettes contain nicotine derived from tobacco, they are now subject to government regulation as tobacco products. You must be 18 years of age to purchase these products in-store or online. Go here for more information about this FDA ruling.

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