Yes, your mother was right about oatmeal for breakfast

oatmealWritten by Sara Lopinski, RDN, LDN, SIU School of Medicine diabetes educator
Looking for a healthy way to start your day? Consider this:
In a recently published study in the Annals of Nutritional Metabolism, researchers studied the effects of oatmeal and corn flakes on satiety, gastric emptying, glucose and appetite-related hormones. Their findings showed that participants who ate oatmeal for breakfast felt fuller, experienced less hunger and ate less lunch than those who ate cornflakes for breakfast. Tests also revealed that their stomachs emptied at slower rate.  Additionally, blood sugar was lowest with the corn flakes, and there was no difference in appetite-related hormones, including leptin.
Oatmeal is a great way to add fiber and protein in your diet. Add a little fruit to sweeten it up and get some additional vitamins.
Here’s one of my favorite oatmeal one-serving recipes:
1/3 cup old fashioned oats (not steel cut)
1/2 cup skim milk
1 tablespoon flaxseed meal
1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
Small apple, chopped
Ground cinnamon to preference
Combine in a 4-cup microwave safe bowl to prevent boil over.  Place in microwave and cook on full power for 3 minutes.
Nutrient analysis for 1-serving:  320 calories; 13 gm. Fat*, Cholesterol 2 mg., sodium, 55 mg., total carbs 45 gms., dietary fiber 9 gms., protein 11 gm.  No trans fat; 1 gm. saturated with the remaining fat unsaturated.
Geliebter A, Grillot CL, Aviram-Friedman R, Haq S, Yahav E, Hashim SA.
Sara Lopinski, is the program coordinator for diabetes education at SIU School of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology. The Healthy SIU Cookbook, which contains many of Sara’s favorite recipes, is available at the SIU Endocrinology Clinic during business hours or by mail for $18. Send check made out to SIU for $18 to Sara Lopinski, Endocrinology LL, P.O. Box 19654, Springfield, IL  62794-9654. For more information, call 217.545.7985 or view sample recipes here.
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