Bug off!

Boy Swinging from TreeMore time outside during this beautiful weather may also mean that you or your kids are coming inside with some red bumps or welts from an insect bite. Though insect bites can be itchy or even burn a bit, the symptoms tend to fade in a few days. For those who are particularly sensitive, mainly children, a bit of precaution before heading outdoors is a good idea. Ticks, mosquitos and fleas can transmit disease and illness, so it’s important to be protected.

  • Avoid areas with high insect population, such as areas with open food, standing water or flowers in bloom
  • Avoid high grasses and leaves where ticks are most often found
  • Avoid scented soaps, perfumes and hairsprays
  • Apply proper insect repellent (avoid using DEET on children under 2, according to the CDC)
  • Wear clothing that is pre-treated with insect repellent

After outdoor play, shower or bathe to rinse the repellent away and ease the itching from any bites you have. Be sure to check yourself and the children for ticks. Wash and dry clothing thoroughly. If you or your child develop a rash, fever, body aches, fatigue, headache, stiff neck or disorientation within one to three weeks after an insect bite, contact your physician. Try to keep from scratching because an open insect bite can become severely infected.

Source: http://www.cdc.gov/features/movingoutdoors/