Keep kids safe in cold weather

winter childCold weather is on the horizon for the weekend, causing safety concerns for infants and children. Take precautions to protect them from the elements.

Protecting infants and children from winter weather calls for safety precautions recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Marthe dela Cruz, SIU pediatrician at SIU School of Medicine in Springfield, explains these suggestions:

  • dress in several light layers as opposed to one thicker layer
  • cover exposed skin
  • wear gloves, hat and scarf

Dr. dela Cruz says the biggest concerns for children playing outside in cold weather are hypothermia and frostbite. Hypothermia occurs when the child’s body temperature falls below a normal level due to exposure to cold temperatures.

“Some early signs of hypothermia may be shivering. And at that time, I would definitely recommend the children come inside and warm up. If they are getting lethargic or drowsy, that means something more serious, and you may want to consider calling your doctor or 911.”

Dr. dela Cruz says frostbite can occur when the skin and outer tissue areas become frozen. It can happen first to the fingers, toes, nose and ears. The skin becomes pale or gray and blistered. The frostbitten areas need to be warmed slowly in warm water. If the numbness or tingling sensation lasts more than five minutes, see your primary care physician.

Listen to Dr. dela Cruz discuss winter tips.
