Tag Archives: ten

Worst Movies of Summer 2014

This summer was one of the worst in recent box office history, and many of the products released make that stat not all too surprising. Here are my worst five films from Summer 2014.

Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_film_July_2014_poster5) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Produced by Michael Bay, this was stupid, unfunny and boring. A film about giant talking fighting reptiles should be an incredibly entertaining and fun film. But Bay had other things in mind. You know your film is in trouble when Megan Fox is the star of your film, and she’s one of the best parts.



Transformers_Age_of_Extinction_Poster_jpeg4) Transformers: Age of Extinction

Michael Bay strikes again. The worst of the Transformers series, this film was an assault on the eyes, ears, brain and the human urge to be entertained. It also starred Marky Mark as Cade Yeager, the only Texan with a Boston accent.



Blended_(2014)_Poster3) Blended

[Sighhhhh]….I hate you, Adam Sandler.




Tammy_poster2) Tammy

A lazy and unfunny film, this movie got one chuckle out of me, and I instantly felt guilty about it. It should have been much funnier, especially considering the talent involved. I’m not the biggest Melissa McCarthy fan, but even I wanted this to at least be passable.



[50 feet of crap]


Lucy_(2014_film)_poster1) Lucy

The trailer for this made the movie look like it was going to be awful; the finished product was even worse. A rip-off of Limitless, it made this year’s Transcendence look like a mind-bending thriller that had its act together. I didn’t hate the film until the climax, in which the film just loses any sense of intelligence or fun that it was barely holding onto. Seriously, the ending of this movie makes no sense, and not in an Inception kind of way. In a “we don’t know how to end this movie so are just going to do it” kind of way. [SPOILER, but you shouldn’t care] You pay to watch Scarlett Johansson turn into a flashdrive.

Best Movies of Summer 2014

Now that it is September and football is back, it means the summer movie season is over. This summer was a relatively weak one, at the box office as well as just quality of film, but there were a few gems. Here are my top five films from the hot days of 20-14.

Let's_Be_Cops_poster5)      Let’s Be Cops

Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, Jr. are funny. This film is funny. [sigh] Whatever…




GOTG-poster4)      Guardians of the Galaxy

A nice late-summer surprise, this film follows every other Marvel film before it and kicked major butt (you know, except Thor 2). It was funny and exciting, but more importantly, it was almost relatable; the heroes swear and get drunk. Best line of the film by far: “If I had a blacklight… this place would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.”


22_Jump_Street_Poster3)      22 Jump Street

A very funny film with some powerful messages about loyalty, brotherhood and underage alcohol consumption. I am one of the few who can say they watched 21 Jump Street while in high school and the sequel while attending college, and let’s just say this: they look at lot more fun in the movies.


Boyhood_film2)      Boyhood

A pretty cliché choice, seeing as it has a 99% on Rotten Tomatoes and 100 Metacritic, but this thing is great. A full-blown nostalgic bomb, it had me reliving my childhood. From things such as the Oregon Trail computer game to NSYNC to waiting in line for a Harry Potter midnight release, this film, shot with the same cast over 12 years, is unique and amazing in its scope. A must see for anyone between the ages of 17 and 25. Or if you have a soul.

X-Men_Days_of_Future_Past_poster1)      X-Men: Days of Future Past

One of the first films of summer was also the best. I was shocked by how much I loved this film. It was smart, entertaining and above all else not The Last Stand. It proved that the X-Men are back, and also confirmed that Jennifer Lawrence is one hot—err, talented actress (as if it needed to be).