Monthly Archives: April 2017

Want your relationship to move forward? Go back to the beginning


Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start – “The Scientist” by Coldplay

Relationships are not easy. Sometimes they can be a real struggle. And when that happens, Coldplay has it right—take it back to the start.

Dana Ingram, LCSW, a social worker with SIU Medicine Psychiatry, says there are some common reasons she sees couples come to her office for counseling. Dealing with increased stress that impacts either or both moods, poor communication practices, lack of focus on the relationship, illness, financial difficulties, parenting differences, different expectations for the relationship—these are issues that can cause marital struggles. But they can be overcome, if both people are willing to work on it—and willing to look back.

If your love has hit a rocky patch, ask yourself why you and your partner chose each other in the first place. That’s what Ingram recommends. “What characteristics did they see that made them want to be in a long term relationship with this other person? What made them fall in love with this particular person?” she asks. And then she tells them to take it beyond words.

“It’s not enough to remember what brought you two together, you have to sometimes look back and remember and then bring those memories back to life,” Ingram says. “Relationships need nurturing, attention, and at times, refreshing to return the focus back to what started everything to begin with. If you were romantic, become romantic again; if you are affectionate, hug your spouse.”

Being mindful about the relationship’s beginnings doesn’t just remind people why they fell in love in the first place. By remembering the care that was taken in the early phases of love, couples can remember how to be good to one another.

If the spark has faded from your relationship, Ingram recommends asking yourselves these questions:

  • When you first fell in love, what were you doing to make sure you kept the attention of your partner?
  • Were you doing things for each other?
  • Were you listening without interrupting?
  • Were you sharing ideas and responsibilities to make sure you were living compatibly?
  • How did you communicate about ordinary life issues and how did they manage crises back then?
  • Were you more respectful? Considerate? Affectionate?

Consider your answers and try reincorporating some of the “old” into the new. If it was good enough to win your partner over, it’s worth doing again to win them back.


Immunizations: A matter of life and death


Parenting is a minefield, one littered with harmless myths and lethal falsehoods that could blow up spectacularly without warning. One of the most pervasive and deadly is the idea that vaccines cause autism. No matter how many experts debunk the myth, well-intentioned parents continue to step on this landmine in higher numbers than we’ve seen in our lifetimes. And when that happens? Boom.

One such explosion has come in the form of a resurgence of a long-eradicated illness: the measles.

“Nearly everyone in the US got measles before there was a vaccine,” explains Michelle Miner, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at SIU School of Medicine. “Hundreds died from it each year. Today, most doctors have never seen a case of measles.”

Unfortunately, the chances of doctors coming face-to-face with the measles is higher than it has been in years. In 2008, after a yearly average of 63 cases per year since 2000, the CDC reported 131 cases of measles. The number has fluctuated annually since, peaking in 2014 with 667 cases.

To see the potentially lethal effects of going without vaccinations, we only need look east. In Japan in 1974, about 80% of children were getting the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine. “That year, there were only 393 cases of whooping cough in the entire country, and not a single pertussis-related death,” Dr. Miner says.

But things changed quickly. Immunization rates began to drop until only about 10% of children were being vaccinated. In 1979, more than 13,000 people got whooping cough. Forty-one of them died.

Happily, there was an answer.

“When routine vaccination was resumed,” Dr. Miner says, “the disease numbers dropped again.”

To parents who have concerns, Dr. Miner is sympathetic.

“There is so much confusing information in the media, so it is very important to evaluate your sources.”

Dr. Miner and the rest of the medical community feel much of this confusion and fear started with Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In 1998, Dr. Wakefield claimed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. His claims picked up a number of famous followers, such as Jenny McCarthy, and the rest is history repeated.

“Since then, both the journal and Dr. Wakefield himself admitted that the statements were incorrect, that faulty data analysis was used, and the paper was retracted,” Dr. Miner says. “He and his colleagues were found guilty of ethical violations and scientific misrepresentation, as well as deliberate fraud and data falsification. Since then, numerous large scientifically sound studies have absolutely shown there is no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.”

Despite these studies, however, some parents remain skeptical. This skepticism affects not only their own children, but all children, thanks to the concept of herd immunity.

“Let’s say someone gets a disease. They can spread it to others, and these diseases can go on to spread through a community just like a wildfire,” Dr. Miner explains. “People who are vaccinated can’t get the disease, so it stops the disease from spreading through the community. But with the growing number of people choosing not to be vaccinated, the disease is allowed to spread. If vaccine levels drop nationally, these diseases could again become as common as they were before vaccines.”

Not all parents or their children have the option of being vaccinated, Dr. Miner stresses. Those children rely heavily on herd immunity.

“There are many children who can’t get vaccines because their immune system is too vulnerable—children getting chemotherapy, for example. If they got one of these diseases, it could be deadly,” she says.

“Imagine if a child beat their leukemia, but died from chicken pox because a classmate wasn’t vaccinated. Such preventable diseases are just tragic.”

When it comes to the life-and-death matter of immunizations, consult your pediatrician–not Jenny McCarthy.


7 things you need to know about infertility


Babies are everywhere. A trip to the mall or a quick scroll of any given Facebook news feed will tell you that. But for every adorable photo op (or less-adorable TMI post about baby bodily fluids) there’s another story—the story of those who’d give anything to have a baby of their own but, for whatever reason, can’t.

According to the CDC, 1 million married women in the US are considered infertile, meaning they’ve been unable to get pregnant after at least a year of attempting. And 7.5 million women in the US considered to be in their childbearing years have what is known as “impaired fecundity,” meaning they struggle to get pregnant or to carry a baby to term.

The issue is incredibly common but can go largely unspoken. We spoke to Adrienn Myers-Woods. FNP, at the SIU Fertility and IVF Center, to share some of the most important infertility-related things you should know.

First and foremost, make sure your body is ready.

“There is no pill that increases your chances of getting pregnant more than maintaining a BMI of 30 or less,” Myers-Woods says. “Keeping a healthy weight makes it easier for your body to ovulate every month and if you do become pregnant, it decreases your risk of complications during pregnancy to include: hypertension, gestational diabetes, and surgical delivery.”

If at first you don’t succeed, try try again…but after a year, you might need some help.

If you’ve been “trying”—meaning having sex without any form of contraception—for a year and you’re 30 years old or younger, you should seek help from a fertility specialist. If you’re over 35, however, Myers-Woods recommends seeking help after six months of trying. Unfortunately, she notes, there is a catch. “Insurance companies have not caught up with this recommendation and still require you to try on your own for one year, no matter your age,” she says. “You can still receive fertility services prior to trying for one year, insurance just might not cover them.”

Those home ovulation tests aren’t necessarily for everyone.

Home ovulation kits work just like a pregnancy test, but rather than detecting a pregnancy hormone, they detect the hormone that signals your body to ovulate. However, many who ovulate won’t get much use out of it. “This is a good resource for women who have a period every month, but can be pretty frustrating and ultimately a waste of time and money for women who rarely have a menstrual period or who cycle very irregularly,” Myers-Woods says.

There are in-office tests, too.

One option is a hystosalpingogram, commonly known as a dye test. This test is done in an OBGYN office or radiology department. Dye is injected through the cervix and into the uterus to determine if the uterus is a normal shape and size and if the tubes are open.

Hey, men. You’re in this, too.

Semen analysis is the quickest and cheapest way to rule out male factor as a source for infertility, Myers-Woods says. “Many labs will run this analysis; it just requires an OBGYN who feels comfortable interpreting it,” she explains. “If the semen analysis is abnormal, he may be referred to a urologist.”

One helpful test can tell how many eggs are in your basket.

Another test checks your AMH level. This tells you about your ovarian reserve, or the quality and quantity of your eggs. Basically, this shows how hard you will have to work to become pregnant and if you may need some help from a medical provider.

You have options.

The least labor intensive method is timed intercourse. “It would require taking oral medications (like Clomid) and having a few ultrasounds to make sure your uterine lining is thick enough for implantation, and to make sure you are producing an egg to ovulate that month,” Myers-Woods says. “When all conditions are right, we can tell you when to take a small injection to help you ovulate, and when to have intercourse.”

The next intervention would be IUI, or intrauterine insemination, what many of us used to routinely hear described as artificial insemination. Myers-Woods explains: “The process is similar to timed intercourse, where you will take oral medication (rarely injectable medications are used) and have a few ultrasounds to monitor your uterus and ovaries. Then we will tell you when to take your injection to help you ovulate and you have one more office visit. The male partner provides a sample and we process it to take out everything but the sperm. Then we use a small catheter that goes through your cervix so that we can inject the sample into the uterus. This treatment can be used for single women or same sex couples utilizing a sperm donor.”

Finally, there’s in vitro fertilization, or IVF. In IVF, eggs are extracted and manually combined with a sperm sample outside of the body, then implanted in the uterus.

Attempting to conceive may not be as simple as the birds and bees make it seem. But with a little professional assistance, a family may be in your future.



Transformative Movement: Glen Aylward’s work shapes the minds of all ages


Written by Rebecca Budde

A small group of martial arts students follow Glen Aylward’s lead, counting out steps, punches and blocks. The average age in the room is close to 70, and, to an outsider, their martial arts technique may not seem very intimidating or precise. But the encouragement and reinforcement from Dr. Aylward is indication that technical precision isn’t what this class is about. It’s about helping people with Parkinson’s disease for whom movement is difficult

Exercise has long been touted as a means to improve the tremors, rigidity and slow movements that characterize Parkinson’s disease (PD). Martial arts focuses on methodical and repetitive movement, which, in the case of Parkinson’s disease, helps improve balance, flexibility, muscle tone, reflexes, mobility, muscle memory, speed, coordination and mental focus.

“We tap into neuroplasticity where we hope to assist in recruiting other brain circuits and essentially ‘reprogram’ the brain,” Dr. Aylward explains.

The martial arts world opened up to Dr. Aylward in his undergraduate years at Rutgers, first becoming a part of the Rutgers judo team and then becoming involved in tae kwon do during graduate school. Though life got hectic for the father of four, grandfather of five and professor emeritus in the SIU Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, he continued to stay in shape through various forms of martial arts. His tenacity earned him a black belt in shito-ryu, a style of karate; a black belt in goju shorei; and a brown belt in tae kwon do.

Despite multiple back surgeries and a neck surgery, he’s continued the discipline of martial arts, teaching classes to adults and children through the years, mostly on a voluntary basis. This past summer Dr. Aylward began the martial arts for people with PD at the Senior Center of Central Illinois.


“I have a variety of folks in this class who are at different levels – seated, using a chair for support and very self-sufficient – so we modify moves based on the individual. It involves team work; if someone is a little unsteady and throws a punch, there’s someone behind to catch. It’s good team building.”

Eight people are regulars, but a few others pop in and out as their schedules allow. His desire is to have the class grow as physicians and other area providers become familiar with the health benefits the class provides. He’s received great support from the physical therapists at Hospital Sisters Health Systems who helped him gain recruits for the class through their work with a PD support group. “This class is really an extension of SIU and its partnerships caring for our patients.”

Many believe that life is what you make it, but sometimes it is what it is. I emphasize that Parkinson’s does not have to be ALL that life is. – Glen Aylward

He’s proud of the strides his students have made. “One of the more involved individuals, Don Post, has made great progress. Two of the class members who have known Don for a decade said they’ve never seen him doing better. His balance has improved, there is less rigidity and his enthusiasm and motivation are amazing.” Indeed, despite his physical limitations, “Don happily tells visitors that he enjoys the class.”

After approximately four months of teaching the moves, Dr. Aylward presented his students with yellow belts, a sign of their accomplishments. Their smiles as they learn how to properly tie their belts suggest that they, too, are proud of themselves. “Four months ago, we would’ve been tripping over tables,” Dr. Aylward jokes with the group. “Everyone here is doing a great job, and that’s important to me.”

Regular attendee Sharon Mourning was diagnosed with PD three years ago. She maintains an active lifestyle and participates in a dance class and yoga in addition to the martial arts class. “My doctor says that I’m pretty limber, and I think it’s because of the yoga and staying active in classes like this.” Staying limber will become more important as her PD progresses. As Dr. Aylward approaches her with the punching pads, she gives it her all, proving she’s not going to let PD get her down without a fight.

“Many believe that life is what you make it, but sometimes it is what it is. I emphasize the PD does not have to be ALL that life is. I think people need a spokesperson to dispel the stereotype of a person who has PD and is stumbling around. You CAN have PD and be productive.” He knows this all too well: Dr. Aylward was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2012.

“I think the discipline has helped me, so I thought, ‘these folks need to do this, too’ ” Dr. Aylward explains. “They need ways to help their self-esteem and dignity, and learning martial arts can help.”

Dr. Aylward has been more than productive since he joined SIU School of Medicine in 1979. Like martial arts helps adults with PD, Aylward has spent his career helping infants develop their psychological and behavioral health.

The School of Medicine was coming of age, and the Department of Pediatrics was under the chairmanship of Joe Garfunkel, MD. Dr. Aylward left his work in Atlanta at Georgia State University and as a clinical psychologist at Emory University and Grady Memorial Hospital.

His institutional and professional knowledge have been invaluable locally and nationwide as the go-to resource for high-risk assessment and follow-up of infants, work he began early in his career. He’s also authored numerous professional articles and has been an associate editor of the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics since 2003.

Dr. Aylward broke ground at Georgia State University in 1978 when he became their first clinical child psychologist graduate. While there, he followed pre-term infants and tested them using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development. Known as the “gold standard” for infant assessment since 1969, the Bayley Scales measures the development of children aged one to 42 months. Using developmental tasks, the assessment scores cognitive, language and motor development. A parental report shows social-emotional development and adaptive behavior. Though this wasn’t the type of research he initially aspired to, it laid the foundation for what has turned out to be the capstone of his career.

His work at SIU also expanded beyond the NICU, giving him the chance to help infants, toddlers and adolescents and their families. “I really like to get feedback years later from parents or the grown children that my work with them was successful. I know that just because I say it will work doesn’t mean it will be successful, but I like to think that I’ve helped kids in terms of their overall life.

“I stayed here because we are innovative. If I would have gone to a bigger place, I would’ve been stuck in a mold, unable to pursue new ideas. I’ve been here through all the deans and pediatric chairmen, and they’ve all encouraged me to pursue what I’m good at.” Dr. Aylward even jokes that he’s taught many of the physicians who now work at SIU, including the current pediatrics chairman, Douglas Carlson, MD.

His other reason for staying is a common one for those with children: “Sometimes when offers came, they were just at critical times for one of the kids, and I didn’t want to uproot the family,” he says. Deborah Aylward dedicated her career to raising the four Aylward children. “She gave them advice that they still follow today — ‘don’t act like your father!’” Dr. Aylward jokes.

However, the proverbial apples didn’t fall too far from the tree. Shawn Aylward, MD, is a 2005 SIU SOM graduate. He works at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio as a pediatric neurologist. Brandon Aylward, PhD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics at Emory University/Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Megan Kircher is a teacher’s aide and substitute teacher in the Sherman/Williamsville school district and “does a great job with children who have developmental disabilities,” according to her proud father. Mason Aylward will graduate from SIU-E this spring with a degree in information systems management/computer science.

But it was the work he began early on that has come full circle for him and made waves in the world of developmental child psychology. He is the first outside author to rewrite the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, the most widely used infant developmental test in the world. Dr. Aylward’s rewrite, Bayley Scales – 4, thus far has involved nearly three years of intense collaboration with professionals in Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States.

HIs work has involved changing the scoring system and administering on the iPad while still using the physical play tools for assessment. In 2016, Dr. Aylward was selected as a Sangamon County Medical Innovator for this work. “It’s been really an interesting ride,” Dr. Aylward says with a smile. “There have been so many crossroads, and somehow, luckily, I always picked the right road. Sometimes it was fortuitous – the right place at the right time. Other times I think it was that determination and motivation that paid off. I think the final chapter in my professional career will be the Bayley Scales. It’s a hell of a way to go out.”