In which I am a bad person / terrible reader

Long time no see! (Sort of.)

Since this is Confessions of a Book Addict and all, I figure it’s time I come clean:

I have done little to no reading for months.

I am a terrible, awful, lazy human being. So. Lazy.

Last year, I wanted to be able to read 50 books. And then I discovered that by the time I actually get to stop and sit down to relax, I am actually too tired to read. And that’s been happening for months.

Until lately, that is.

In the past week, I believe I have read more than I have for the better part of the last year. Which isn’t saying much. It’s not like I was writing much either. I’ve done a little research for a new project I’m working on, but I’ve been neglecting that work too.

For the most part, I’ve been reading news articles and trying not to obsess over the pile of books that I simply haven’t gotten to.

So this year, my only “resolution” is to just read. (I don’t like resolutions, since they don’t work out most of the time.) So, I guess I should say that it is my intention to read.

Wish me luck.