Monthly Archives: January 2016

What I’ve actually been reading

While I have been, shall we say, slacking with my normal reading, I have been paying attention to and reading one sort of thing in particular:

Campaign 2016 news.

This one is going to be a doozy, folks.

First of all, let me clear the air and tell you right up front that I will be casting my vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary. This is because, after looking into the people (on both sides) who are running for president this year, he is not only the best fit for what I think a leader should be like, but he also appears to be genuine.

I know this because I pay attention and I read whatever I can get my hands on to learn about the candidates.

If anyone is reading this and thinking “Well, that much should be obvious,” then good for you. You are trying to be a reasonably well-informed citizen and you get full credit for that.

For those shaking their heads in dismay and about to tell me that Trump has your vote, I can only begin by telling you: Read some more.

Read what this man has to say and then tell me that he’s going to be good for America. Because when you actually listen to the hate speech that is spewing out of his mouth, I would hope that he would start to come off as the blowhard he really is.

Also: based solely on his racist and misogynistic comments, I can only feel that those who are on board with this guy are one of two things. They are either openly racist and misogynistic, or they just don’t care enough about the issues people of color and women have to deal with to be bothered to cast a vote that might protect those groups. Honestly? I’d prefer those who are openly hateful. At least it’s easier to know precisely what those folks are about and summarily avoid them and their toxic rhetoric.

When I decide to vote for someone, it’s because I’ve done my reading and decided they are the most humanitarian option. By that I mean, who is the candidate most likely to fight for and protect everyone’s rights? Who actually believes in equality and the dignity of human life? Who won’t be taking anyone’s rights away, especially rights like a woman’s right to choose? (It’s simple bodily autonomy. Being pro-choice means you support a woman’s choice to do as she sees fit with her own body. Because she’s a human being with a rational faculty who is capable of making her own choices. So butt out.) I go down that list (and there are a few other things I usually look for) and make my decision based on that, regardless of political party.

So, what does all this political ranting boil down to?



And then think about what you have read. If you’re still comfortable voting for someone like Donald Trump (he’s like Voldemort, but with hair, to be honest) then I’m sorry your studies have failed you. Go back and reread your notes please.

In which I am a bad person / terrible reader

Long time no see! (Sort of.)

Since this is Confessions of a Book Addict and all, I figure it’s time I come clean:

I have done little to no reading for months.

I am a terrible, awful, lazy human being. So. Lazy.

Last year, I wanted to be able to read 50 books. And then I discovered that by the time I actually get to stop and sit down to relax, I am actually too tired to read. And that’s been happening for months.

Until lately, that is.

In the past week, I believe I have read more than I have for the better part of the last year. Which isn’t saying much. It’s not like I was writing much either. I’ve done a little research for a new project I’m working on, but I’ve been neglecting that work too.

For the most part, I’ve been reading news articles and trying not to obsess over the pile of books that I simply haven’t gotten to.

So this year, my only “resolution” is to just read. (I don’t like resolutions, since they don’t work out most of the time.) So, I guess I should say that it is my intention to read.

Wish me luck.