The Road Not Taken

I’ve been away, wandering like the Gypsy Scholar I am. (Really, who else makes a Matthew Arnold reference? You’re welcome world.)

This past weekend, I had the good fortune to while away some time in the lovely state of Vermont. I saw and did lots of things, including buying copious amounts of cheese, cruising Lake Champlain, and dropping some serious dough at King Arthur Flour.

I’m not going to apologize for that pun. You’re welcome again.

I did, however, have my heart set on walking the Robert Frost Wayside Trail. It would have been all too appropriate to read some Frost and wander through the woods. However, even though I can rapturously break down a Shakespearean sonnet in my sleep, sometimes I am rather stupid. In this case, I circled the wrong place on the map! And alas, we could not take this road because it was very much out of our way.

Until next time?

In the meantime, I have finished The Monuments Men (click the link to get to the Facebook page that is dedicated to their continuing work). My next post will be dedicated to that wonderful work.

The summer reading continues! I’ve also begun my Poirot, and 100 Years of Solitude, and progress continues on Beowulf, Moby Dick, and Sherlock Holmes.

I’ve also recently arrived extremely late to the Etsy party. It’s a good thing that I’m as broke as many of my scholarly predecessors, because otherwise I would commit financial ruin thanks to this site.

Until next time, when we talk about art and how the humanities must always hold their place of importance in our global culture.