Let’s not talk about “Once Upon a Time,” okay?

I have been rather silent this season concerning what was one of my favorite shows.

Alright, I suppose it still is.

But I’m really mad at it right now, ok?

First of all, this season had the whole Neverland arc, which was drawn out beyond belief and all kinds of terrible. Then, we had the Wicked Witch come to Storeybrooke, and she was nothing like Elpheba. And I got really, really sick of “wicked” puns.

That was not wicked awesome.

And then we have all kinds of characters proving week after week that they are just not all that smart. And the smart ones? They were either killed off (Rumple, Neal) or had to suffer through tragedies…again (Belle).

There were however, some things I did like.

Belle and Rumple, for starters. Neverland was AWFUL, but Rumple had some of his best moments during that arc, and his “death” really was a noble sacrifice from a man who had finally gone good. Mostly, anyway. So naturally it’s also upsetting that even though he and Belle are finally married, he is also lying to her about what happened to Zelena/She Who Is Hopefully Gone For Good.

Best line of the finale, and the season, also goes to Belle: “Sometimes the best books have the dustiest jackets.”

These two are really why I stick around for this show, even when it proves to be a hot mess.

Regina also showed some amazing character growth this season. Most of which could have been destroyed during last night’s finale, thanks to The Savior Who Should Watch Doctor Who And Learn How Time Travel Works Before She Goes And Messes With The Timelines Again.

Seriously though, here is hoping Regina doesn’t go all one-dimensional again. What a waste that would be. Not only of what has been a good story for her, but also of the viewers’ time.

Perhaps I expect too much? I just wish I wasn’t constantly wondering what trick pony is going to be trotted out next.

And we won’t even talk about Neal. He was a favorite. You know what happens to my favorites.

We also won’t talk about the figure that was obviously Elsa from “Frozen.”

Next season really needs not to be “Frozen.”

In the meanwhile, I guess I’ll just take my Rumbelle goodness where I can get it.