5 Cornerstones of Good Lawn Care

A lawn that is well cared for on a regular basis can provide an oasis of green in a landscape. To prevent the lawn from becoming brown or dying, the following practices are an essential part of good lawn care. 

1. Scarifying

Scarifying lawn is a way of removing matter from around the stem of the grass plant. This matter may consist of moss, weeds, old dead grass and lawn clippings. Too much of this thatch slows down drainage and restricts airflow. 

Some, but not all of it, needs to be removed to keep the growing environment healthy. Removing too much of it can be a mistake as this removes all protection for the grass. 

Spring is the best time to scarify a lawn and a spring tine rake will do the job. It can take some stamina and unless you have a very small lawn, it may be better to hire a machine to do the job or bring in a reputable lawn care company. Landscaping businesses usually offer lawn care as part of their services and GreenPal is able to direct you to the best ones in your area. 

2. Regular mowing

The more regularly you mow your lawn, the quicker it grows. Mow it once a week in summer and at least once every two weeks in spring. Dull mower blades will shred grass rather than cutting it so make sure they are sharp. Setting the blades too low and cutting the grass too short can make the soil underneath dry out too quickly. 

As a general rule of thumb, do not remove more than a third of the height of the grass at each mowing. Leaving grass clippings on the lawn can help to fertilize it naturally but if you do not want to do this, toss the clippings on the compost heap. 

3. Feeding with fertilizer

It is important to always use the best quality fertilizers. There is a huge variety of fertilizers available and you should select one that is drought resistant and encourages root and leaf growth. If you do not want to use the chemical varieties, liquid seaweed is a good alternative and you can use it once a month throughout summer and spring. 

Do not use fertilizer at a time when a lawn is brown as you do not want to promote leaf growth when the roots have little access to moisture. Do not use it on newly sown grass or turf either as this will make the grass go brown. 

4. Proper watering

If you want your lawn to stay green in the summer months, you will need to water it regularly. Depending on the type of lawn, this may be anything from once a week to once a month. 

Do not overwater and use a sprinkler in the morning or afternoon so the grass has time to dry before nightfall. It’s best to water lawn deeply about once a week, or when the grass looks a bit wilted, and give it about an inch or 3cm of water each time. Frequent, shallow watering can result in weak roots that will not survive the summer heat. 

5. Getting rid of weeds

Weeds in grass not only spoil the looks of the lawn but they compete for water, light and nutrients so you should not ignore them. The best way to get rid of weeds is to create an environment where it is difficult for them to flourish. 

Compacted soil, water-deprived turf and low-mowed grass all encourage weed growth. By reversing these problems, you will not only have a healthy lawn but you can say goodbye to weeds. 

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